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Trigger warning 😏😏😏

"Holy shit."

"I know." Noah and I both fall on our backs into the bed. It has been three weeks since Sloane's brain surgery and it's been a hell of a ride. We both have been working our asses off to make sure Sloane is getting the best care from us and can still feel like a normal kid, especially with Christmas next week.

Mine and Noah's spark has reignited and we have spent countless of hours after Sloane goes to bed talking and working on our relationship. Things have been going slow which is great, but maybe a little too slow. I know we have been way too distracted with taking care of Sloane, but I miss being touched by Noah.

He rolls over on his side and props himself up with his arm. "Let's go out."

"What? Noah, it's 8pm on a Friday night and we had such a full day." I protest.

"Exactly. Perfect reason to go out. I think it is the perfect night to take you out on a proper date after all this time." He smiles.

I think about it for a second. "Fine."

"Great because the guys will be here by nine so get ready." He chuckles and smacks my ass as I make my way to the shower.

"Noah! Of course you pre planned this!" I throw on my shower playlist and do a quick "everything" shower, cursing Noah silently for not giving me a heads up.

"What do I wear?" I yell as I step out of the shower and wrap myself in a towel.

"Dress nice!" God damnit. It's not that I don't want to get all glammed up and go out with Noah, I had just planned to rot in bed for the rest of the night.

I stroll into my walk in closet-our closet? I don't really know at this point, that is attached to our master bath, also attached to our bedroom and pull out an olive green mini dress and a black leather jacket.

I curl my hair lightly so they are loose and put on a deep burgundy lipstick, eyeliner and lashes. When I walk out into the bedroom, Noah's eyes look like they are going to pop out of his head, and I have to admit it makes me feel good. The past couple weeks I have been living in my pajamas trying to take care of everyone but myself.

"You look stunning, Avery." He takes my hand and spins me around to completely check me out. "Thank you."

"The guys are here, are you ready?" His smile is beautiful, we both have been so exhausted lately and this is the most I have seen him smile in a while.

"We really have to leave her with the guys? No offense, I love them, but are they ready to handle taking care of her?" I begin to panic and debate if we should leave or just stay home.

He cups both of my cheeks with his hands, "Yes love. They have been following me around to help her when they are over to work on the album. They are a big part of her life and want to learn. They want to help, Avery. You know we both deserve a night out with each other, you deserve this, supermom." He gives me a kiss on my forehead and leads me out of the bedroom and downstairs to greet the guys.

"Thanks again, guys." Noah fist bumps them all and heads to the door.

"Okay so her meds are in the cabinet, and just call me if she needs anything, check the monitors frequently because sometimes she wakes up and needs to be checked on and she cannot sleep without Michael Myers and her bat stuffy-"

Noah chuckles and cuts off my ramble. "Av, they've got it. Don't worry, c'mon." He reiterates and kisses my temple.

"Avey, we have got this, we promise. Go have fun. We will all be here and in one piece when you get back." Jolly insists.

A Cheers to the Life You Don't Get to Choose //Noah SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now