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The bitter antiseptic smell in the hospital lingers in the waiting room. There are other families waiting for a loved one to get out of surgery, just like Noah and I. Three hours into the surgery and we have about one more to go. During these three hours I have heard a couple of codes over the speaker, and it terrifies me every time.

Noah is trying to compose himself to the best of his ability but I can tell he is struggling as much as I am, maybe even more. I cannot help but still feel somewhat bitter towards him after my outburst and sitting in the waiting room has been building awkward tension.

We have not spoken a word to each other in the past hour. What was there to talk about? We are both already scared shitless. The countless number of complications that can happen at any time during this surgery is absolutely terrifying.

"I am going to get some coffee. Want some?" Noah asks as he stands up and stretches his long limbs. I just nod and he dissapears down the corridor. I nervously chew on my lip while Noah is gone and check my phone to pass the time.

Spencer: Any updates? He's been checking in every hour. Honestly everyone has.
Will Ramos: I hope everything is going well, rooting for her.
Caleb: Let us know when she's out of surgery so Fleur and I can breathe properly again. You and me both, bud.
Folio, Jolly and Ruffles: We hope you guys are doing okay. Hang in there, little trooper will be just fine.

I turn off my phone, I do not have any energy to respond right now. Bad Omens' management was very swift handling the publicity of Sloane's condition. Noah and I both deleted our social medias and management made a statement regarding the situation, asking for privacy. Luckily, only some details were leaked, no one knows she is having surgery and she was transported to the Children's Hospital downtown.

I feel violated knowing that someone had leaked what hospital she previously was at and what happened without our consent. I know I should not hold resentment towards Noah because of this, but I do. My feelings are really fucked right now.

Noah makes long strides towards me and hands me a lemon poppyseed muffin and a cold brew. "Eat." He demands. He knows I have not eaten a single thing since he made me last night. Hospital food did not sound like a great dinner, but I was not going to leave my child's bedside the night before her big surgery.

After I ate, Noah and I sat in more silence until Sloane's surgeon met with us. Noah and I basically jump out of our chairs at the sight of him.

"Surgery was a success. Because of how risky the surgery was there is a small portion we were unable to remove. She will need to have follow up treatments that we can sit down and discuss later. She is in recovery right now, we will let you know in a little bit what room and when you can see her. These first few days of recovery will be a lot. Your daughter is a fighter."

We thank Dr. Cohen and he takes off to where he needs to be next. I don't hesitate to break down in the middle of the waiting room and collapse into Noah's arms. He wraps them around me tightly and I can feel his movements and sniffles, he's crying. After what seems like hours, I pry myself out of his arms and try to regain my composure.

"I knew she would be okay. She's a fighter just like her mom." Noah says softly leaning towards my ear. We don't say anything and sit in silence once again and Noah surprises me by placing his hand on my knee. I can't help or stop the goosebumps from spreading, it's been a long time.

Finally, the nurse comes in and shows us to Sloane's room. My heart breaks looking at her. Part of her beautiful brown hair is gone and replaced by a rather large scar. She is hooked up to more wires than I can count and has a breathing tube. They are going to keep her under for the rest of the day and wake her up tomorrow hopefully so her little body can start to recover from the trauma.

A Cheers to the Life You Don't Get to Choose //Noah SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now