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You ever know what hell feels like?

Well unless you've traveled with a toddler by yourself overseas, you do not.

Out of all of my family, no one could fly with me and I refuse to complain about it to anyone because they already do so much for me and Sloane. The only one that was available to fly with me was Will, and that was not happening.

"Shh, baby it's okay." I bounce Sloane on my knee trying to calm her. I already have enough social anxiety as it is, I just want to make it through this flight and not have Sloane labeled as 'the screaming child.'

As I am trying to calm Sloane down, a figure sits down next to me, but I don't have the time to look at the stranger.

"Mind if I try?" I whip my head to the left of me, almost giving myself whiplash, to see a smiling Noah with Ruffilo, Nicolas and Jolly sitting across the isle.

"Noah- the hell are you guys doing here?" They all chuckle and wave at me.
"Daddy!!" Sloane chimes in and he chuckles, motioning to pass Sloane to him.

"I figured we could change our flight to help you out. We are in this together after all." He smiles at Sloane.

The word together puts a weird taste in my mouth. We're not together. Noah is an amazing father, present when he can be and so loving, but there's so much that we haven't done together. It's more of what I've done, or he's done. Together does not exist in our world very often anymore. However, I know we are working hard to put our differences aside and I recognize it.

"Yeah Avey, we didn't want you to have to do this by yourself." Nicolas adds and the rest of the band nods in agreement as he passes some gummy bears in my direction. My favorite.

"Thank you guys, this really is sweet." Noah helps me get everything settled and we try to buckle our girl in but she is not having it. "I'll hold her for a while, love. You get some sleep, it is going to be a long flight."

Indeed it is.

- - -

My eyes flutter open and realize I am resting my head on Noah's shoulder, his head on top of mine. Repositioning myself, I look at my phone screen to see 5 am and groan. Between Sloane and I, this jet lag might kill me. I look next to me to see Noah sleeping with Sloane wrapped in his arms. He looks so peaceful with his mouth ajar and soft snores. Gently, I take Sloane out of his grasp and bring her over to my arms luckily not waking up anyone.

My phone lights up and there is a message from Will.

Will: Hi beautiful. Can't wait to see you when you get here.

I blush. Will and I have been talking every single day, but seeing each other is difficult. My number one priority is Sloane, and that will never change for anyone. She doesn't need to meet anyone I am not serious with until that time comes. We are not dating, officially, just seeing what can happen and go from there.

Thanks handsome, 6 hours to go. Luckily I ended up getting some help with Sloane.

I lock my phone and put my head back down on my head rest, about to put an AirPod back in my ear.

"What's got you all smiley at this hour?" Noah asks. I look over and his eyelids are heavy, a small smile dances on his lips and he is coming to terms how long he's slept for.

I've been caught. I need to play this off like it's nothing. If it doesn't concern Sloane, it doesn't concern Noah.

"Just something my Nadia is telling me, an inside joke." I smile. I can tell he doesn't believe me but shakes it off with a small smile. Smooth, Avery. Jesus christ.

A Cheers to the Life You Don't Get to Choose //Noah SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now