Chapter 25 Dark blue

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Dark blue

That next morning at the Ruccuzo mansion. It seemed different because a single decision took everyone's life to another level.
Some to greater and some to poorer..

Giovanni Ruccuzo was having a smoke looking outside to his lawn through his window. Enzo's absence is really affecting the mansion. It can be even feel in the air...

The new girl in his bed was really much in sleep.. maybe not sleeping. Face pressed against the pillow covering herself with the blanket with purple under eye and diaphanous lips.

Giovanni was happy that all of his plans are getting succeeded. But deep down inside he knows he is been watched. Watched by something that is a conspiracy to common people. The girl at the pub. He have seen her before. Some words from Enzo which mean a whole different thing from its literal meaning. Some signs. Some symbols..

Giovanni knows what he is working for and nothing can save him because destiny, faith, goodness, evil, God, Demons, devil, angels everything are them. Maybe everything is an imagination or mascots created by them for people. The day they come for him will be the end of his days. And they have written the exact hour, minute and second in their books years ago.


The maidens were all busy making sure the table will be all done by the time the Ruccuzos come to eat breakfast.

Brooklyn is now one of them. Just one of them. One by one old maids were serving food on the dining table. Brooklyn walked back to the kitchen putting the plates on the table. She wasn't feeling as good as she started feeling morning sickness.

Her whole body was in complete gloom as her head is not in rest. Her body feels tired.. Her lower abdomen is bloated. Her breasts are sore. Now her heart also started feeling the pain when she saw Leo walking down the stairs to the dining hall...

The face that gave her immense Joy is now giving her pain.. She wanted not to see that face ever again but she wanted to see it really badly.
She ran back to the kitchen... Leo saw it very well. he want nothing but to kill that life before his dad finds it out.

He sat on his place. Soon Giovanni joined him.
"Where is Antonio?" Asked Giovanni sitting on the main chair.
"He's still alseep!" Said Martina who was standing beside him.
"Mm!" Giovanni asked in a rough voice "where is my drink?". Not seeing the drink which he drinks everyday.
"Just a minute! Sorry!" Martina said. She looked at Brooklyn who was standing in the other room as she was the only maid close to Martina. Martina as her to bring the drink for Giovanni. Brooklyn did exactly what she is been told. She brought him his drink.

She walked past Leo and poured the drink in Giovanni's cup.
"Thanks sweetheart!" Said Giovanni. Blue smiled at him as she walked back to the kitchen again.

Leo can't eat properly knowing that the girl carrying his child is not at ease. And the girl, the maid, the girl who is soon to be used as his father's mistress is carrying his child. Leo stood up as he choked on food "sorry!" He went to his room upstairs.

Giovanni said nothing but watch him go. He sat there alone eating breakfast. Money can't buy everything really. He looked at Enzo's chair.. he is missing Enzo a lot. And he know that Enzo won't leave him in a situation like this.


Enzo walked down the stairs to the kitchen of his new mansion. To see his beautiful wife instructing all the workers.

"Buongioro Caramia!"
"Ohh! Good morning husband!" Liviah turned around to see him. "Are you going?" She asked with a little worried face seeing him all dressed up ready for work.
"Sorry my love! I have to!" Replied Enzo hugging her from behind. And asked the workers to leave them alone. he started kissing her neck when they left.

"Enzo!" She giggled "but it was your wedding yesterday!"
"I know baby, I know! There is something important. I will be back soon. And we will fly to Mauritius"
"Promise me that you will come back soon"
"I promise my dearest!"
"Okay then!!"
"And make sure you pack something hot. It's our honeymoon!" He smirked
"Ooh!! Don't worry about that!"


Poor Brooklyn was cleaning the kitchen counter. And she was not feeling well.
The main thing that was consuming her was she doesn't have anyone to comfort her. But she is managing it because she is used to it.

That is when one of a maid came to her with a glass of juice "Brooklyn?"
"Yeah!" She turned around dropping the wash cloth on the counter.
"You forgot to drink you are juice!" She said.
"No I didn't. I already had mine with breakfast!"
"No you didn't! Just drink this!"

She forcefully made Brooklyn drink it.. and left without saying anything else. Brooklyn was confused. But she didn't got much time to think about it as she saw Leo coming towards her.
She did nothing but take the wash cloth and continued cleaning the counter.

"How can I help you Mr Ruccuzo?" She asked emotionless.
"Don't fucking call me that!" He growled as he pulled her closer to him by her waist.
The wash cloth fell down alone with the cleaning liquid... it's splashed all over there.. but they were already lost in each others Eyes.

"Blue?" He called softly in a very gentle tone caressing her cheek.
"Mm?" She melted like butter from his touch.
"Listen to me baby please!"
"I am sorry Leo. I can't kill my child! You can ask me anything else"
"Please understand me. You can't live here alone being pregnant".
"Let me try!"
"This is not something someone should try. And I am not trying with you!"
"I never asked you to!"

Leo took a deep breath and spoke.
"See baby I don't want to get mad. I will ask you one last time. If you say NO then I am done with this relationship, I don't know you and you will remain just as my father's whore. Will you take the pill?"
That was a hard decision for her to make... "Leo? Look! Growing up I never had anyone to call mine. I had no one to love. No one to share my feelings. No one to take care of. But now I do. You can't understand my pain. Actually nobody can understand my pain except me. My baby. I have my baby. Our baby. Think about it Leo please!"
"Will you take the pill or not?" Leo asked emotionless. Because all he think about now is his reputation, his life, the fortune his father made for him.. The three that are too important for him.

Brooklyn's eyes filled up. At the end he also didn't understand her. Her love, her trust, her promise, her choices. At the end he proved that no one is worth loving unconditionally. At the end he proved to her that true love doesn't exist in her life.
"We are done!" He said nothing more or nothing less.. He walked away. Not just from the kitchen but from her life.

Blue stared at him disappearing forever. Well she did what isn't supposed to do.. falling in love with her boss, expecting a beautiful life with him. Expecting him to be a good father. Everything was her fault. She didn't allow her tears to fall on the ground. She bent down, took the wash cloth and started cleaning the mess they made.. but she can never clean the mess they made in their life...

To be continued..

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