Chapter 19 We make the rules

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We make the rules

"Where are we going Enzo?" Asked Liviah. Enzo was driving the car.
"Back to the pub!"
"What are we going to do now?"
"I don't know.. I will figure out!"
"Enzo!.. I am really sorry I didn't mean to end up things like this!"
He held her hand "Livi?" he then said in a comforting voice "you don't have to apologize! I know you my dear and I love you!"
Liviah felt a little bit comfort "I love you too!"

Soon they reached the pub.
Both Enzo and Liviah walked inside..
Giovanni and Antonio was still in the couch.. drinking and talking enjoying the time with alcohol and women...

"You stay here!" Saying this Enzo went to his uncles.. Liviah what's the him going to Giovanni and Antonio, telling him something, the surprise the look of Giovanni, the confused the look of Antonio, both of them look that her when he said something more..
Liviah was scared that the things Serena said was running through her mind.. now she don't have a place to go back. The only thing she have now is her phone and the clothes she is wearing right now..

That's when she saw Giovanni and Antonio walking towards her along with Enzo.
Giovanni came to her and ask her "is he telling the truth?"
She looked at Enzo as she doesn't know what he said to Giovanni, Enzo's face seemed tensed.
Giovanni continued "that you left your family for him?"
"Yes uncle" she said in this time..
Giovanni looked at Antonio when Antonio asked "Are you sure? Do you know the seriousness of the situation?"
"Yes uncle! I know very well" said Liviah. That's when Giovanni smiled and said "then.. welcome to the family dear!"
Liviah's face instantly lighted up.. she looked at Enzo who was smiling at her...

"So what are your plans son?" Antonio asked to Enzo.
"We are staying here tonight! In my room for now. Then I will plan the rest!" Replied Enzo.
"You can take the beach house if you want!" Said Giovanni. Which made Liviah happy I feel love the Ruccuzo beach house.
"Thank you uncle. But it is fine I have other plans" said enzo which made her disappointed but she knew Enzo doesn't want to depend on someone. 
"Okay.. If you say so"
"Thanks" said Enzo "Excuse us!"
"Go... Have fun!!"

Enzo walked Liviah to the other side of the pub. Which was a private area. Enzo have a room there which was
Really messy.
He pulld out the key from his pocket and open the door. Switching on the lights he said "it is quite messy! Please don't mind it!"
"Its is perfectly okay!" Said Liviah.. but it wasn't okay.. there were cloths all over the flower and bed.. never empty alcohol bottles, cigarette butts underwears on the bed etc...
"I am really sorry I brought you to a place like this" said Enzo.
"It is totally fine Enzo!!.. please don't apologize!" That made him smile..
He then said "Make yourself comfortable.  I will be back now! I have few calls to make!"
"And do you want anything to drink or eat?"
"No.. I am good"
"Caramia! I will be right back! Don't worry you are safe here!" Enzo then went out saying this..
Suddenly the words Serena said "they will always put that job first" hit her like a train. But she fought her thoughts as she now he might have a went to arrange have staying.. but still there is a Might.


Leo was driving back home...
Brooklyn was worried thinking about things happened a few minutes ago..

Her worried face was something Leo don't want to see.. replaced his hand on her thigh which suddenly got her off guard. Leo spoke casually "Its okay Blue! I will get your ice cream next day. Even more flavours!"
"It is not about ice cream. Why did that guy.. mm-"
"Yeah Rick! Why did he do that?"
"Because you are my girlfriend"
"We are Enemies from school!"
"So you know him?"

"Very well.. it all started from high school. Both of our fathers are rich, both are doing same job. We both are always in everywhere... like if it is a football selection both of our names will be there. they have to choose between us.. so there is always a competition between us. One day he proposed to one of our classmate and she always hated him.. she came and told me this. Taking it as an opportunity, me and my friends beated him up in the school playground after school.. that's where the real enmity starts. Since then we never wasted a chance!" Explained Leo.
"Problems of rich kids!!" Said Brooklyn after hearing his reasons..

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