The door swung open and in stepped someone in to guide him through to the courtroom. Entering the hall he recognized a lot of faces. A lot of Death Eaters. Sirius and Remus. His parents. But they were all in seats in the stands, whilst he was down in the center. The entertainment.

"Thank you for joining us today, Mr Lupin-Black. I'm aware that you've refused to speak to anyone until you have a lawyer present?" Fudge asked, looking over some papers.

"That is correct, Minister." He said softly.

"But you know what you are being charged with?"

"I know what I am being accused of, Minister, yes."

"Care to tell our jury?"

They just want a snippet for the Daily Prophet. That's all. Nothing major. Just breathe. Just breathe.

"I'm being accused of murdering fellow student and Triwizard Champion, Cedric Diggory, Minister."

"And you plea?"

"Not guilty."

"Very well, Mr Lupin-Black. You'll have a chance to meet with your lawyer tonight and we will start the case in a few days. In the meantime, you will be held in custody in Azkaban."

If this were a movie then everything would start moving in slow motion, and perhaps if it was an artistic movie they may even use a fisheye lens to show how Elijah felt in that very moment, then the loud beating of his heart would fade in to show the rapid rate of his heartbeat. But this wasn't a movie, it was reality, and so it was down to him to play out the rest of the scene in normal time, whilst trying to maintain his composure for the audience of spectators and Ministers.

If Sirius could do twelve years he could do a few nights. A week? Maybe two? He could do it. He had to.

He saw in the corner of his eyes Sirius stiffened at the mention of Azkaban, Remus putting a hand on his shoulder to calm him. But he didn't let his eyes linger. He simply nodded in response to the Minister, letting one of the guards take hold of him.

He did need to meet his lawyer, he needed her here now. He was taken back to his holding room, pacing back and forth, never dropping the act of being brave. Not even for a second. He had to keep it together.

Eventually, the door opened, and in stepped his lawyer. He knew her well, she was the one who helped him with the paperwork with his parents, and she was Alix and Jay's cousin.

"Lysander." He greeted, looking at her softly.

She was the first person outside of Ministry personnel he'd been able to talk to. He didn't know the way this worked, any of it. He just had to trust in the others.. Which really wasn't his strong suit, especially right now.

"Elijah, what happened?" The woman asked, shaking her head to him as if to answer the question before it even slipped through his head.

Are they watching us?

He sighed, "I didn't do it, I promise. I was in the tournament and then... Cedric, Harry, and I were all taken via Portkey to a graveyard. A Death Eater killed Cedric Diggory on Voldemort's orders."

"Yeah, my uncle came to visit my father to tell him about the Dark Lord's return. So, we are going to have to tread carefully, because the last thing the Ministry will admit is the Dark Lord's reappearance."

He nodded, slumping into one of the seats in the room. He was exhausted, but he knew the second the conversation ended they'd be dragging him away to Azkaban, and he'd be alone with the Dementors and other Prisoners.

The Other PotterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora