Shoulder To Cry On

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Turns out, his broom wasn't cursed or jinxed or meddled with in any shape or form, and he was able to use it in the match against Ravenclaw, allowing them to win the match. Earning Alix a 'I told you so' look.

He made sure to stop by the Shrieking Shack most weekends to see Sirius. They'd grown a lot closer over the last few weeks. He felt himself getting protective over his godfathers, whenever he heard anyone talking bad about either, it normally resulted in a fight. He was expecting a Howler from his father any day now.

Entering the Great Hall this Sunday morning, Elijah instantly could sense the tension, students all whispering around him as he made his way over to Lucas.

"What's going on?" he asked, frantic students all around him.

"You haven't heard? Sirius Black broke into Gryffindor Tower last night and Ron said he was stood over him with a knife." Lucas explained.

"What? Did they catch him?"

"No, I don't think so- Where are you going?" The Hufflepuff called, getting to his feet.

"I'll catch you later. Got to see a dog about a man.." Elijah hurried, wrapping a few muffins into a couple napkins and stuffing them in his bag

"That's not the saying."

"I know." The Slytherin winked, quickly leaving the hall and heading to the Whomping Willow. He made sure he wasn't followed before crawling under the roots and made his way through the corridor.

"Sirius!" he called, running up the creaky steps.

"I know how it looks! I don't need to be lectured." Sirius huffed from the dusty bedroom.

"I'm not here to lecture you." Elijah sighed, chewing on his bottom lip, as he leaned against the door frame, eyes falling on his godfather who was pacing the bedroom. Reaching into his bag he threw the other one of the muffins he picked up.

The older man caught the muffin and furrowed his brows. "You aren't here to lecture me? Why are you here then, to give me a muffin?"

"I'm here to find out what happened. You might be reckless and a little stupid.. but this isn't like you. So tell me what happened."

"You're not mad?" Sirius asked again, looking over the boy suspiciously.

"No, because if you got to the point where you've snuck into Gryffindor Tower and held a knife to Ron Weasley then you've exhausted your options. You need to tell me what is going on?" he sighed, "You held back the first time we met, because you wanted to protect me.. But, until you are free you are going to have to let other people protect you."

He looked at the boy on the verge of breaking down. When did this boy become to loyalty to someone he knew next to nothing about? Why was he so set on helping someone every probably told him was bad news? Sirius was exhausted, he was tired of being alone and hunted down, the constantly looking over his shoulder.

Elijah sensed the shift in emotion and pulled Sirius into a hug, "You don't have to do this alone." he whispered, holding his godfather as he cried on his shoulder. The stops like that for a while, Elijahs grip never loosening.

"Im tired of running. Twelve years.. I'm tired of waiting." Sirius murmured, "But this is my fight, Elijah." The man still held on to his godson, feeling thankful for the boys continuous support over the past few weeks.

"I'm not saying it isn't, but everyone needs help now and then." Finally pulling back, he offered a small smile. "Eat, you'll feel better."

"You sound like, Remus." Sirius commented, moving to sit back on the bed and picked at the muffin.

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