Terms End

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(I'd just like to say Taylor Swift wrote 'I Can Do It With A Broken Heart for Elijah)

He'd spent another half an hour in Dumbledore's office being filled in on Moody and Barty Crouch Jr, and everything else that happened whilst he was absent last night. Apparently, the last feast for the Tournament was tomorrow, giving the students a few days to recover and process.

Going to leave the Headmaster's office he was greeted by four grave faces, and one smug one.

"Professor Snape. Minister." He greeted dryly to the pair, he didn't recognize the two flanking them, and he wouldn't dignify Rita Skeeter with a greeting.

"Elijah Alphard Lupin-Black, you'll be coming into custody with us," Fudge said coldly.

Any colour that was left in his current shell of a body drained, his heart thudding in his chest he was surprised it didn't burst out of his hoodie.

"I'm sorry?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper, and for the first time in his life, he was relieved to see Dumbledore, who was now stepping in front of him.

"What is the meaning of this, Minister?" Dumbledore questioned, resting a hand on the boy's shoulder.

The two Aurors that were behind Fudge were now slipping cuffs onto Elijah and taking his wand.

"Albus, please, this is precaution, we have a dead boy and reason to believe that Mr Lupin-Black is responsible," Fudge said flatly.

"Cedric Diggory. The dead boy's name was Cedric Diggory." Dumbledore responded, "And Elijah here was not responsible for the death of him."

"Then it won't be a problem for him to the Ministry to answer some questions, will it?"

"Minister, this is a young boy's life you are playing with."

"If he winds up being found innocent then he'll be fine, Albus, I assure you."

"I've told you who is responsible. Harry Potter has told you who is responsible. If you hadn't let the Dementors kiss another key piece to the puzzle then you'd have more evidence. I can show you the boy's memories."

"Albus, we can't know that he hadn't meddled with the memory now, can we? Regardless, it is my duty to see that he is brought in for questioning."

Now with him in cuffs and the two wizards assisting him out of the castle, students and teachers alike gathered in the halls.

Rita Skeeter's camera floats in front of him to get the perfect shot. He spotted his friends, Lucas and Nik... Then Harry, his parents, and his godparents.

"Care to answer any questions now, dear, or shall I wait for your case?" Rita sneered.

Elijah didn't comment, clenching his jaw tightly as he was guided through the growing crowd. He ducked his head down, avoiding the stares and the camera lens. Lights, camera, action.


He was taken to the Ministry, was sat in a room waiting to be spoken to. They'd put him in cuffs that stopped his magic from leaving his hands. Much like Wormtail had with bonds in the graveyard. He was pacing the small room, very aware he was being watched somehow. But it wasn't like the muggle movies where they watch from a mirrored window, probably just looked straight through.

How was he supposed to act here? How was he supposed to keep out of prison and still be a Death Eater?

His anxiety was on overdrive. He felt cornered, his usual tactic in this situation was to attack, either verbally or physically, but that wouldn't help right now. No, he had to be clever. He had to act like he was innocent but not too innocent. Smart but not too smart. This was too hard.

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