Calm Before The Storm

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It seemed like everyone had only one thing on their mind since the Triwizard Tournament was announced was who was going to be the Hogwarts Champion. Whispers filling the corridors, rumours filling classrooms and people proudly announcing they were going to be throwing their name in for the chance of eternal glory.

"Depending on when they draw names, you could enter." Felix said to Elijah as they entered the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, Mad-Eye Moody was by his desk, seemingly fidgeting with the same flask he had the night of the feast.

"Why would I do that?" Elijah chuckled, shaking his head as they took their seats.

Felix looked gob-smacked at the question, "Eternal glory? Don't you want that? Imagine Lily and James' faces if you were to win."

"Eternal glory sounds like utter bullshit. I am looking forward to a quiet year with you guys, we can actually be students this year and not have to worry about weird shit going on." The boy hummed, it had honestly been the best feeling to think he would have a quiet year but he knew better than to trust it too much.

"You'll get bored of the simply student life." Felix sighed, "Especially now that Quidditch is cancelled."

"Actually, I've spoken to Snape and McGonagall about allowing teams to still train and have friendly matches; houses vs houses and if the other schools agree we can potentially have school teams vs school teams." Elijah grinned, taking a seat at one of the long desks and pulling out his books. "I need to keep on top of training for the Verdins, so they seemed happy with the idea.. I just also need to get other prefects to agree to help organise it, because the teachers are going to be snowed under." he shrugged.

"Well, I guess that will be fun.." Felix sighed.

Elijah noted his friends disappointment, reaching out to pat his shoulder, "Why don't you and the twins put your names in? If any of you get picked I'll be front row cheering you on."

"Hm.." Felix sighed, clearly not happy about it still.

Alix took the empty seat next to Elijah, "Won't some of the boy's have a hissy fit when they hear they have to play a team of mostly girls?"

"Anyone who can't handle losing to Beauxbatons team doesn't have to play, in fact, it would be better if they didn't." The boy replied with a shrug.

"Fair point." Alix murmured, "Who is picking the Hogwarts team?"

"Not a clue, nothings been set in stone, the other schools could come and hate the idea." Elijah considered, fiddling with his quill as he waited for the class to start.

It was their first class with Professor Moody and he seemed a little unhinged from the things he'd heard from other students in the Great Hall the past few days. Looking to the Professor who was now letting his one normal eye scan across the rows of students as his other eye darted around with almost no control.

"You can all put the books away, you won't be needing them today." The Professor announced loudly, "I received a letter from Professor Lupin and you all seem to be be well versed in Counter Curses, Spells and Dark Creatures; however, you are all extremely behind on The Unforgivable Curses." he told the class, eyes both regular and glass were now fixed on Elijah.

The boy felt uncomfortable, but kept eye contact with the Professor, it was as if both of them were trying to read the other like books but neither seemed to do so successfully.

Alix's hand shot up, "Sir, we are supposed to learn about The Unforgivable Curses until sixth year, how can we be behind?"

Moody's eyes peeled away from Elijah to turn to Alix, "Ah, Miss Avery, I presume? The Ministry seems to believe that you are all too young to learn about these Curses, but myself and Dumbledore have different opinions to those in the Ministry. We believe if you are young enough to learn counter-curses then you should know what you are up against? Do you not agree?"

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