Back to Reality

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The train back home had been a bit too quick for his liking, he wasn't ready to go home. Though, he wouldn't be there much over the summer due to interviews and tryouts for different quidditch teams, so there was a silver lining, still.. He didn't want to go back at all.

His head rested in Lucas' lap as the train pulled into the station. They had a compartment to themselves as there was not enough room to fit their growing group of friends all in one. Looking up at the other he pouted, "I wish we had another hour or two." he whispered.

"I kinda do too, but also, my legs are dead." Lucas laughed, leaning down to place a soft kiss on the other's lips. "Promise me you'll write?"

"You know I will." Elijah breathed, closing his eyes as he felt the train come to a stop. He wanted to just stay here a little longer. Just enjoy the bliss of the moment.

Eventually, he did get up, pulling Lucas up with him. The pair climbed off the train together, each of them looking for their parents. Elijah's eyes fell on his parents greeting Harry and his friends before catching Lucas' dad in the corner of his eye.

"I guess this is goodbye for now." Elijah hummed sadly.

"I guess so.." Lucas sighed softly, looking down at the other before pulling him in for a deep kiss. "I love you, you know? If it gets too much at home-"

"I know." Elijah breathed against the older boys lips. "I love you too. I'll see you soon."

Lucas grinned, moving towards his father who gave Elijah a small nod and smile before greeting his son. Part of Elijah wondered what the man looked like without the potion keeping his appearance a secret.

Turning to go head to his parents he was tackled by the Avery twins, nearly knocking him to the floor.

"Not going to leave without saying goodbye are you, Potter?" They asked in sync.

Catching himself before he could hit the floor, the boy laughed, "Can't blame me for trying.." he teased, spotting Felix and Ezra behind the twins.

"Now, we expect to see you this summer. Parents orders be damned." Jay instructed.

He rolled his eyes with another laugh, "Yeah, I promise I will write to you all."

"No, we want to see you." Alix sighed, "Please?"

Elijah grinned with a nod, "I'll see you all at the Quidditch World Cup? I'll try to do the odd day or two if I can." he hummed.

"Good boy," Alix smirked, patting Felix on the top of his head earning another roll of his eyes. She pulled him in for a tight hug. "Keep us updated on how the tryouts go. And if you need to get away for a few days.. you can crash at ours."

"I promise," Felix murmured, hugging her back as he pulled away all three boys pulled him into another hug. "Write to me about your travels.." he told them all, slowly pulling back. "I'll see you guys soon." He grinned, adjusting his bag on his shoulder before walking over to his parents.

There was a heavy silence as he approached his family, and he ignored it, pulling on his headphones and playing his music the whole trip home.

The new house was big, in the middle of a large plot of land just outside London. The insides seemed organized but homely. Having a small scan of the rooms before heading up to what Harry had told him was his room, it was the loft room, with an en-suite, and a window that had a small ledge that he could sit on if he wanted. His things were still mostly in their boxes since he hadn't returned to unpack.

The first box he unpacked was his record player, putting it on his dresser and digging through his records before finding one he wanted to play before finishing his unpacking. It only took him a few hours to get everything organized and put away, including the things from his trunk.

The Other PotterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang