Wands & Worries

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It was Sunday, and thankfully he hadn't drunk enough the night prior to feel the repercussions of it the next day, the same couldn't be said for Jay, Felix and Ezra though. He found them all at the Slytherin table with their heads resting on their arms, half eaten plates of breakfast in front of them. Alix was sat beside Jay, reading a book on previous Tournaments, clearly trying to find hints to help Cedric and himself.

"Good morning, Mystery Gang!" Elijah snickered, sitting down beside Felix and patting him heavily on the back. 

"No Scooby-Doo references when my head feels like this. It's not fair." Ezra groaned from the other side of Felix.

Felix lifted his head glaring at Elijah, "Why are you so chirpy? Didn't you drink last night?"

"I did, but unlike you guys, I know my limits." he chuckled, serving himself a bowl of porridge with some raspberries and honey.

Alix lowered the book, studying her friend, quickly noting the bracelet on his wrist, noting the lion charm, but she kept her thoughts to herself. "So, the daring side of the Tournament always seems to be the champions against something; whether that be a Boggart, or other Magical Creatures. Nine times out of ten it's been the champion against something that will not only test their mental strength but their physical strength too." She sighed, drumming her things against the hardback book. 

"Someone is getting a bit cozy with Lucas, isn't she?" Jay commented, nodding to the Hufflepuff table where Lucas was sat with one of the Beauxbaton girls who kept laughing at something he was saying, putting a hand on his arm every now and then.

Elijah glanced over and furrowed his brows, before turning back to his friends. "I trust him." he hummed, finishing his porridge. 

"Aren't you going to say something?" Ezra said, raising a brow, now sat up and poking his food around his plate. 

"Nah, I'm seeing him later. He is just being polite." he shrugged, turning his attention back to Alix. "So, me against something we have no clue about.. Sounds easy enough."

Alix sighed heavily, shaking her head. "I think you should start practicing your wandless magic. If all you have is your wand, well, you'll need a back-up plan." 

He considered the words before nodding. "I mean, I've been practicing it a little... I guess I can practice a little more."

"Come on, I'll come with you. Let's leave the boys to recover." She said, getting to her feet with the book under her arm.

"Don't you want to go see Cedric?" he asked, getting up to follow her.

"He came down for a little while, but he was a little fragile so went back to bed. I gave him a copy of this book to read too." She told him, taking his arm and pulling him out of the Hall and out of the castle. 

It wasn't until they were by the lake, away from the Durmstrang boat, and away from the crowds of students that she finally slowed down. Stopping when she found a large enough rock for herself to sit on and read whilst she could watch Elijah. 

"You have the books with you?" she asked, looking at him expectantly.

"Of course." he said, putting his bag down and pulling out one of the elemental books Regulus got him, and the wandless magic book Alix had got him. 

"Right.. Well, what do you already know?" Alix questioned, crossing her legs and taking the two books from her friend, flicking through the pages. 

"Well, thankfully wandless magic and elemental magic are compatible with one another, so for the most part I've been using them together." he explained, gesturing to the lake. "For example.." With a deep breath and raise of his hand he made five little bubbles of water rise out of the lake, twisting his fingers he moved them around the air until they were circling around Alix. He kept it up for a minute before flicking his wrist and sending them back into the lake.

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