Saturday Lessons

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He'd been twisting and turning in his sleep all night before he decided to give up, and started to get ready, keeping the noise to a minimum as not to wake his friends. Slipping on a pair of grey jogging bottoms and a dark green t-shirt, stuffing a hoodie, and his books into his rucksack before sneaking out and heading down to the courtyard. The sun was still rising, making the castle grounds, making the sky a beautiful blend of pastel blues, pinks and oranges. The boy sat on one of the tables, looking out at how peaceful and beautiful the grounds looked this time of day.

Lupin stopped to watch the boy for a moment, he remembered often finding himself in awe of the beauty the castle held when he went here. Giving the boy a few minutes before approaching slowly. "Beautiful isn't it?"

Elijah smiled, eyes remaining on the view, "It seems so peaceful like this." he replied, getting to his feet and starting towards the forest, turning to face the Professor and walking backwards. "Does the castle ever stop feeling like home?"

The Professor followed the other, he reminded him so much of Sirius. Harry was the spitting image of his father and had the same personality to go with it, but Elijah, there was definitely resemblance to James there, but he had more of his mothers features and the personality of the Black brothers. "Never." he replied with a fond smile. "Is that your anchor? The castle?"

Elijah considered the question for a moment before shrugging, "Kind of.. It's the root of most of the fond memories. I would have never met my friends if it wasn't for this place."

"Ah, Mr Nott, Mr Berkshire and the Avery twins?" he asked, knowing the surnames well, and he wondered if the boy had put as much research into his friends history as he did everything else in his life.

"Yes, and ergh- Lucas Grey, and the Weasley twins." he nodded, giving a shrug looking over his shoulder as he continued walking backwards.

"Lucas Grey? I don't think I've met him yet, he is in Slytherin?"

"No, he's in Hufflepuff. He hasn't been here this week, his mother passed away before the term started, so Dumbledore gave him an extra week. He arrives tomorrow, I believe. He's in Fred and Georges year." he explained, gracefully twirling around so he could walk normally once again.

"Makes sense, I suppose." Lupin hummed, now walking beside the boy. "So your friends are your anchors? I think mine have always been mine too." he admitted with a shy smile.

As they approached a small, secluded clearing near the lake, trees surrounding them from the other side to shield them from peering eyes inside the castle. This was one of Elijahs favourite secluded spots. Very few students went this deep into the woods to find it, so it was often quiet.

"It's not just them, it's.. all of it. I just feel like I can be myself here. The best memories I have are right here on the castle grounds and inside its walls. From Christmas' here to quidditch matches. Yes, it has its faults and days that I hate, but it's home." The boy explained, putting his bag down by a long fallen tree that acted as a seat for anyone that visited the spot.

Lupin took a seat, and watched the boy step back, he looked nervous as he paced around the clearing a little. The Professor wasn't going to rush him into it though, if this was going to work he needed to make sure he was ready and confident. "You'll be fine, Elijah. Just focus on your anchor." he spoke softly.

Elijah nodded, stopping a few feet in front of Remus, taking in a deep, shaky breath before shifting into his wolf form. The animal stood there for a few moments as the boy battled with himself in his own head.

Stay focused.. Lucas, Fred, George, Alix-

The howler his father sent him when he was sorted into Slytherin-

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