Realigning Stars

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The rainfall outside was acting as a great distraction for Elijah, who was currently sitting at the kitchen table with Sirius on one side of him and Regulus on the other. They had been sat in silence for hours. Four to be exact. Both men just glaring at each other.

The boy let out a heavy sigh, putting down the book he'd been reading whilst waiting and getting up from his seat.

"Where are you going?" Sirius asked, turning to the boy.

"Getting another coffee, and some of Remus' shortbreads he hides at the back of the kitchen cupboard," he replied, stretching out his arms, his whole body stiff from being sat down for so long.

"I'll take a-"

"You and Regulus don't get anything until you start talking." Elijah sighed, clicking on the kettle.

"Somebody is practicing for their Prefect badge," Sirius commented, rolling his eyes like a moody teen.

Regulus raised a brow, glancing between the pair. "Prefect? How'd you piss Snape off enough to get that role gifted to you?" he asked with a smug grin.

The boy sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, it was like babysitting toddlers, no wonder Remus needed to 'pop out' around the time Regulus arrived.

"Not what I meant when I said to talk." He chuckled, shaking his head. Making himself a cup of tea and grabbing two shortbreads.

Regulus leaned forward to pick up the boy's book, looking it over. "Elemental Magic?" he quizzed, looking up at Elijah.

The boy took the book from the man's hands, hitting him lightly on the head with it, "Will you two please just talk with one another? I need to finish packing for Hogwarts."

"Fine, but only if you hit him on the head again." Sirius smiled, earning himself a gentle hit to the head with the book.

"Talk." The boy grumbled, now sat back down, dunking his biscuits into his tea. "Sirius, you start, and before you ask why, it's because you're older and you hurt him first."

Sirius' eyes shifted to Regulus and then back down at the table. It was like watching two children being made to apologize to one another when both thought they were in the right.

"Reg, I'm sorry for leaving. I was young and I was caught up in myself, it wasn't until after the fact that I realized I should have taken you with me. I'm sorry for coming to that realization far too late." Sirius murmured, grey eyes flickering back up to his brother.

Regulus watched his brother, they were both so young when it happened, and if helping Elijah taught him anything it was that deciding to leave couldn't have come lightly to his brother. He'd known Elijah from his first year at Hogwarts, watching his parent's lack of interest and passive aggression slowly change and destroy him, it was worse for Sirius back home because it was never passive just aggression.

"I forgive you, Siri. I think I always have." He replied softly.

A brief moment of silence fell upon them, the brothers both letting the years of hurt disguised as hatred fall away.

"I'm sorry for my mistakes too, Sirius. I didn't know how deep I was in until it was too late. I had to fake my own death to escape the wrath of the Death Eaters and their lord. I managed to make a life for myself, using polyjuice to hide my true identity when needed. I've spent years figuring out how to kill The Dark Lord should he ever return. I think I'm onto something. I think I've tracked down a few things that will help, but I can't go into details until I'm certain." The younger brother mumbled.

It was vague and confusing. Sirius shook his head, "You never were good at swimming. I regret not being there to stop you from going so out of your depth... I have a lot of regrets, Regulus. Trust me. I wish I had been there for you and that I had pulled you out with me." he sighed.

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