Chosen Family

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It was Halloween at Hogwarts, one of Elijahs favourite times of year. Despite it being his birthday, the boy actually just loved the holiday itself. Still, that didn't stop his friends from making a fuss of him. He'd gone for a shower after an early quidditch practice, and when entering the Great Hall, he was greeted by both sets of twins, Felix, Ezra and Lucas all huddled near the tail end of the Slytherin table with balloons and a vanilla cake with dark green icing and 'Happy Birthday, Eli' scribbled messily on the top in icing.

"Happy Birthday!" They all cheered, making everyone else in the hall turn to look at what all the fuss was about.

He shook his head with a laugh as he took in the scene, moving to sit with them all, "How'd you bribe the elves to make a cake?" he asked, looking to the Avery twins who just smirked at him. "Thanks, guys." he smiled, feeling arms loop around him from behind, looking up to find Lucas.

"Happy birthday, gorgeous." He hummed, leaning down to give the boy a small kiss. "I did try to tell them you wouldn't want a big deal made, but that seemed to spur the Weasley twins on even more.. hence the balloons." he whispered against the others lips.

Elijah snickered, looking over to the two red heads who looked extremely smug with themselves. "Assholes." He laughed, glaring playfully at them.

"So, aren't you gonna open your presents?" Ezra beamed, looking to the small mound of gifts next to the cake.

"I'm giving you the one from me later, if that's ok?" Lucas said with a shrug, he knew Elijah didn't like a big fuss, and he didn't want to put pressure on his boyfriend by forcing him to open all his gifts in front of everyone.

"I bet you will." Jay teased with a wink, before Alix elbowed him in the ribs.

"Not like that." Lucas' sighed, rolling his eyes.

"Open mine first." Alix smiled, changing the subject much to Elijahs relief. She passed him a small neatly wrapped box, wrapped in black paper and silver ribbon tied around it.

Opening the present he smiled at the two rings inside, one was two silver snakes entangled and the other was a band with a wolf etched into it.
"It's perfect- More than perfect." he hummed.

"Get a room." Ezra huffed, sliding across his gift, "Mine next, pretty boy."

Ezra had got him five muggle books; 'American Psycho', 'Lord of the Flies', 'Animal Farm', 'Dracula' and 'Clockwork Orange'.

Felix had brought him 'The Lord of the Rings' trilogy, and a haul of sweets to go with them.

Jay had brought him a new pair of leather quidditch gloves with a dark green stitching and his initials stitched on the bottom, and a few CD's for his walkman.

The Weasley twins got him some old spell and potions books that he'd never even heard of before, and so was excited to read. And a plain bit of parchment. He looked up at them confused.

"We'll explain later. But don't lose it." George winked.

"It will help you to sneak around with your boyfriend." Fred added.

All of the Slytherins looked confused now, but shrugged it off to some sort of strange contraption they'd invented.

Finally, there was a neatly wrapped parcel, inside it held a dark brown leather notebook, inside was a note. 'To help organise your thoughts when they all get too much. - R.L'

He smiled at the note, looking over to the teachers table to see if he could see the Dark Arts Teacher, but he couldn't see him, but he knew he'd see him later for another shifting session.

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