Ishaan shook his head. "When my father's business began to dwindle, I was left with only two options— either invest in a new firm in partnership and merge with it to prevent further damage; or sell it off entirely."

Rehaan continued, "While no successful business ventures agreed, we both needed each other's help for sustaining ourselves."

"It's true, right, that we were engaged in a legal contract of having my father's land leasing company investing in periodic installments in your start-up and you promising to pay back the entire sum along with interest in installments as soon as your business takes off and makes profits," Ishaan said, squaring his shoulders. "I was only fulfilling the terms of the contract. I am still making payments to your commercial account bi-monthly."

"Either you are deviating from the topic or trying to fool me." Rehaan pointed out. "Nowhere in the contract it was mentioned that you are to spend money for my treatment or any other personal needs I may be having. Why did you make me pay the money at the hospital with a lie that you brought the money after mortgaging a part of your academy?"

"Because I felt obliged to." Ishaan uttered simply as if the words flowed out of his mouth seamlessly. "I couldn't have left you alone to deal with your life-threatening disease and watched Prachi broken beyond repair due to your fatal condition. After expiration of every financial asset from the company my family possessed, I had to give up on my house because of the creditors who had invested in my father's business. I still own my academy, but I'm insecure about it. They might mortgage it too."

"YOU. . ." Rehaan's voice was abruptly heavy with a burden of liability, tears began to prick his eyes out of nowhere. Without any further word of protest or contemplation, Rehaan threw his hands around Ishaan's shoulders and pulled him to his chest to welcome him with open arms. "We twins are so foolish to not recognize the individuals who love us so sincerely and selflessly. I promise, brother, to set everything right between you and my sister."


"No, Ishaan, I don't want to hear any of those silly excuses. I have also heard that you'd vowed to get Pihu as your life partner if I agreed to it." Rehaan recalled few moments from the past which were narrated by Prachi earlier. "Today my self-realization is screaming at me to unite the two of you, without which my past acts of blunder won't be rectified at all. Give me the last chance, will you?"

Ishaan parted from Rehaan and peeked into his eyes. "What will you do?"

"I will not reveal anything now. I only need you to stay in touch with me and I'll let you know certain things gradually." Rehaan pleaded, determination in his voice. "On a last note, are you still mad at my sister for ill-treating you?"

"I can never be mad at her because I love her so much where madness exists only in the form of attachment and desire." Ishaan muttered softly. "I was solely hurt because she didn't trust me. I only wanted her to realize her folly."

"She has realized it before too, trust me." Rehaan disclosed evidently. "Otherwise which girl would go to the extent of sharing the words of her feelings for a man and the tale of her severed relationship to her parents?"

"She did such a thing!"

Rehaan bobbed his head in affirmation and held him in close proximity. "She is also equally mad for you but she is someone who considers the relationships with her family on priority. She won't move an inch forward without their permission."

"I know about it and this is one of the reasons why I chose her." An unknown smile appeared on Ishaan's lips. "I have never perceived the bonding that exists in the family of the Talwars. This is also another reason why I hold huge respect for the Bundelas and crave to be a part of it."

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