"Okay and Ive heard that before with you. Jesus get off that pedestal for a second. You cry more over your boyfriend than you laugh. Get out of my relationships."

"Hannah is my friend? Probably my only actual real friend."

"So Ive caught feelings for your friend? Lock me up. Mind your own business for once. Your boyfriend spent his weekend sniffing coke. You're concerned about me?"

"What are you talking about?" She says frowning. "I see when someone is coming off a high Zara. Remember? I was that guy."

"Youre so incredibly frustrating. Fuck you Zade. Kain's not like you." She says before turning around leaving. "Fuck." I say hearing her slam my door shut.

I had a few meetings today and my last one I was hyped up about all the exciting new things happenings. Opening another club was huge. Never thought I could achieve these things.

"So.. we have a lawyer for the business my accountant said. "This morning they received this letter."


"Apparently you have an ex-wife entitled to half your stuff."


"Divorced with the action of divide everything into half. No pre-nup."

I left everything to that stupid lawyers wannabe kid. Fuck... I cant believe this.

"But Zara and I own the business 50/50."

"Well now you own 25% and Veronica owns 25%." Just like that again it came crashing down.

I call Kain to find his stupid friend.

"Wheres your lawyers friend?"

"Julian?" He asks. "Yeah. He handled my divorce and now im finding out he gave half my shit to my ex. Including the club."

"Were at my place." He says. I grab my stuff and head to Henry George building. I bump into Rosie and Roman coming out the lift.

"Hey. Whats up?" Roman says nodding at me.

"Im just going to see your brother." I say and he nods. "Julians there I think." Roman says

"Just who I needed to see." I say and Rosie grabs my arm. "For?" She asks concerned.

"Its not about you princess." I say. They were obsessed with themselves. "See you guys later."

How do I get rid of these people? Always in my business. Zara's friends were becoming such a problem for me. I was t in my happy Zade mood anymore. "Hey..." Kain says answering the door.

"Yeah hey." I say walking past him. I was ready to explode. Julian sat smug on the couch.

"Whatever you did, undo it." I tell him.

"You signed the papers big guy?" He says

"You didn't want to notify me of this? What kind of law firm is this?"

"No offense I assumed you had nothing to share with the wife." He says. I step forward and Kain steps infront of me. "Undo it."

"Thats impossible." He says. I look at Kain. "Move out of my way." I didnt want to hurt Zara's pretty boyfriend and cause scratches on the face that paid him.

"Calm down." He says.

"This effects Zara just as much. Zara owns ZNZ 50%. You think she wants to be around Veronica every day working together?" I ask him. It was disgusting how Zara had this grip on him because immediately he turned around looking at Julian.

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