"This is epic!"

Liam glares at me in embarrassment but I can't help but keep on laughing at this untold story. He's still chained, though, so he can't do much but give me that look.

"Oh of course, you'd want to know about your little boyfriend being naked," Stiles says to me sarcastically.

On hearing those words, I blush profusely, Liam stops glaring, and Scott straightens up. "What are you talking about-"

"Wait, boyfriend?" Scott says in surprise. "You guys are dating? For real?"

"Well, I-"


"Not really, but-"

"Maybe, I'm not-"

"Scott, look what you did to them. They're embarrassed as hell," says Stiles, gesturing to Liam and I. "They're sixteen. Riley's old enough."

My cousin sighs dramatically as if this were a serious matter. "Hey, Liam," he suddenly says with a curious expression. "Why were you naked?"

"It was really hot that night, okay?" he defends. "Let me go."

"You sure you're okay?"

"It won't happen again."

"You're in complete and total control?"

"Yeah, complete and total."

Scott unlocks the chains and they drop to the ground with a loud sound. Liam is finally freed from them, so he steps away from the tree while Scott packs the chains up and keeps them in a bag.

I hoist my backpack over one shoulder and start to take a few step forward, following closely behind the other two boys, but I notice that Liam doesn't keep up. I halt and turn around to see him staring down at his clenched fists.

"Liam?" I ask carefully. "You alright?"

He shakes his head and looks at me. "Yeah."

I narrow my eyes at him then at his closed fists. "Open your fists."

"Why? There's nothing wrong with them."

I raise my eyebrows, not believing him. He eventually sighs and slowly opens his fists, revealing slightly bloody palms. My eyes widen, but his hands doesn't seem to hurt or seem like a big deal to him.

"I told you, it's still a bit hard..."

I smile at Liam reassuringly. "That's completely okay. You're still human, right?" He merely sends me a small smile and nod, so I go on. "And it doesn't hurt?"

"No. I can deal with it."

"As long as you aren't hurt... now come on. Let's get in the jeep. Scott and Stiles still have to go to that senior tradition thing which I still have no idea is about."

Liam and I then walk side by side to Stiles' jeep parked on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere. It's honestly sort of creepy to be here this late at night on a full moon, knowing that there may be other creatures here. Also, the thunder and lighting keep on coming back, making me think that it'll rain pretty soon.

Once we're settled in the jeep, with Stiles driving, Scott sitting in the passenger's seat, and Liam and I in the back, the engine comes to life and we drive.

"Where are we actually going?" I say to no one in particular.

"We're gonna pick up Malia first," Scott answers. "You're gonna have to squish in the back, sorry. Oh, and then we're going to the hospital. Liam can stay with his step-dad and you with your own dad as well while we go to school."

Sinking In ✼ Liam Dunbar || Teen Wolf [2] (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now