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Thank you for 10k: 04/05/2024

Wow, that's definitely not something I was expecting to write today.

I remember when I first started writing fanfiction. I was literally in bed on my laptop reading during the summer holidays when I realised wait, are there any fanfics on a child of Pan? I looked, there was none. I thought that was a massive missed opportunity, Pan got basically two seconds of screen time (or book time whatever) I basically had complete creative liberty.

So I started writing. I wrote the first few chapters and was like wow, that sucks and left it for about a month. Then I was going through my files and found it, the word document I had been writing on. So I edited the first few chapters just to see if I could get it to sound at least somewhat entertaining and I liked it. I had fun writing.

So I kept doing it.

I also remember when I first hit 1k reads. Not a huge milestone by any means but at that point I had been used to about 1 read a day, not massive progress aside from every now and then someone just speedrunning the entire book in a night (I appreciate you psychos <3).

I was walking home and I checked Wattpad, not expecting much. And there it was. 1k. I literally ran the rest of the way home. At that point, I was struggling with my mental health and wasn't really talking to anyone so writing had become my therapy. I'd even started a bunch of stories that are in my drafts as I write this which I never finished. 

So to see that 1k was the happiest I had been in a long time. And I appreciate you guys for it. 

(By the way, don't worry, I've started going to a sort of therapist. My school set me up with one because they noticed my grades were dropping and I was coming into school on like 2 hours of sleep a day.)

And now I have 10k. Still, to some this might not seem like much. But to me this means a lot. And I mean a lot. Like enough to get me to touch grass, I know, crazy. 

Thank you for enjoying my stupid humour, thank you for reading my story, thank you for helping me through a difficult time in my life, even if you didn't know you were. Thank you for making my day better, every time I saw a notification that someone had voted or commented. 

Bye from Corgi :)

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