Yay-son is fine. Jason on the other hand...

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My biggest surprise: one look from the others, and all of us knew the game plan. Jason charged Enceladus, Leo made a break for the construction equipment and me and Piper ran towards her father.

Once we reached where her father was tied up, I drew my knife and began cutting the ropes that were restraining him.

Behind us I could hear the loud whirring of machinery, Leo and Jason yelling and crashing noises. Piper kept looking behind us worriedly and whispering to her father that he would be ok, that we would get him out of here. Whether he heard her or not was impossible to tell, his face remained blank.

I heard a noise like an explosion and turned to see Leo diving out of a large machine just as a volley of rocks was thrown at it. I tried to get up to help but Piper dragged me back down.

"We need to get my dad free, the longer this takes us, the longer the guys have to hold off Enceladus and the Earthborn!" She whispered urgently. I huffed and continued sawing at the ropes.

I cut through the bonds around his ankles and moved to the ones around his wrists.

"Pipes?" The man croaked.

"It's ok, dad." Piper whispered, smiling sadly. "We're going to rescue you. Just hang on."

I slashed through the remaining rope and Tristan McLean slumped forward. I groaned as I caught him. "Holy Hera." I muttered, grabbing his arms.

Another explosion sounded and I began dragging Piper's dad down back towards the ridge. Piper walked behind me, holding her dagger tightly and looking around the clearing like a deer caught in headlights.

"Anwen!" Piper whispered.

"What?" I grunted, dragging Mr McLean through a particularly sticky patch of mud.

"We got company."

I turned. An Earthborn was charging towards us.

"Hey, stupid!" Leo yelled across the clearing. The Earthborn turned and I saw a flash of steel fly through the air. The Earthborn reeled back, a screwdriver buried to its hilt in the Earthborn's forehead.

The Earthborn growled and threw the screwdriver to the ground. It picked up two clumps of mud, which solidified into boulders and turned to Leo.

"You die!" It roared. "Friend of Yay-son dies!"

My eyes widened. "Piper!" I whispered. "Take your dad!" I shoved the man in her direction, not bothering to check if she caught him, and ran towards the Earthborn, knife held tightly in my hand.

The Earthborn hefted its boulders and aimed towards Leo but before it got the chance to throw them, I slashed my knife, up and down.

The Earthborn frowned as its six arms disconnected at the shoulders, rolling away with the boulders. "Arms go bye-bye." It muttered and it melted into a pile of mud.

I was breathing hard. I turned to Leo who was gaping at me. "You alright?" I asked.

Leo swallowed. "Uhm, I- Yeah, yeah, no I'm fine."

I nodded and turned to see Piper leaning her father against a pile of rocks, safely tucked away. I turned back to Leo who was still gaping at the muddy remnants of the Earthborn. "What?" I asked, tilting my head.

"No, nothing." Leo said, nodding hastily. "That was pretty cool."

I rolled my eyes but smiled to myself. "Come on fire boy, Jason needs our help."

So, it's been a week and I've come back with an incredibly short chapter. Before you ask, I can explain. I have been working on a different fanfiction, which I might publish, I might not, up for debate really, and I've been really enjoying writing it, so much so that I forgot about the fanfiction I was actually publishing. Sorry about that guys.

I promise, I will post a decent-length chapter soon, but for now I'm afraid you're gonna have to deal with this. Sorry.

School sucks. I hate tests. I hate homework. I hate essays. I hate having such short periods of time to do everything. It sucks. But anyway. I will get back to proper chapters soon. As soon as I stop getting given ridiculous amount of homework due like the next day or something.

I hope you are all having a good day and if not then I hope reading this made you feel better, even just a tad.

Bye from Corgi :)

P.S. (feel free to skip) Just a reminder that all characters belong to Rick Riordan, this is merely a fanfiction based off the Heroes of Olympus series.

Wildfire (Leo Valdez x OC) (1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora