Family reunions sometimes end in burnt bridges, I guess?

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 For a moment, Thalia stared, stunned.

Then she rushed forwards and hugged Jason.

"My gods! She told me you were dead!" Thalia exclaimed. She gripped Jason's face and examined it. "Thank Artemis, it is you! That little scar on your lip, you tried to eat a stapler when you were two!"

Leo laughed. "Seriously?"

Hedge nodded as if he approved of Jason's taste. "Staplers – excellent source of iron." I snorted.

"W-wait," Jason stammered. "What do you mean? Who told you I was dead? What happened?"

"And why did you never tell me you had a brother? We may not have been as close as you and Annabeth but I'd still like to know about long lost siblings." I said, raising an eyebrow at her.

At the cave entrance the white wolf barked. Hurry mistress.

Thalia looked at it and nodded, but she kept her hands on Jason's face, as if afraid he would disappear at any moment. "My wolf is telling me we don't have much time, and she's right, but we have to talk. Let's sit."

Piper did better than that, she collapsed. She would've cracked her head on the cave floor if Hedge hadn't caught her.

Thalia rushed over. "What's wrong with her – Ah, never mind, I see. Hypothermia, broken ankle." She frowned at Hedge. "Don't you know nature healing?"

Coach grunted. "Why do you think she looks this good? Can't you smell the Gatorade?"

Thalia and turned to me frowning. "You aren't looking so good either, tree hugger."

I furrowed my brows. "I have never hugged a tree. Unless you count Juniper as a tree, which I guess you could but it just doesn't feel right-"

"Just tell me what happened." Thalia sighed.

I frowned. "I'm fine."

She raised an eyebrow at me. I huffed. "Broke my ankle." I muttered.

She looked at me exasperated. "Speak up."

I glared. "I broke my ankle." I said.

"That's what I thought." She nodded. "You really need to stop ignoring your injuries."

"I'm fine." I huffed.

Thalia rolled her eyes. "Anwen, me and Annabeth aren't gonna ignore you every time you get injured just because you expect us to. I don't know what your mom did to you to make you think your injuries didn't matter."

I winced. Just when I forget about my mum.

Thalia frowned. "What?"

"Nothing, we'll talk about it later." I said.

Thalia cast me a confused look but turned back to the others, who had been watching our conversation like a tennis match.

"You," She said, pointing to Coach. "Take Anwen and the girl to the tent outside, Phoebe will take care of their injuries."

"I'm fine." I huffed.

Thalia turned to me. "They have hot chocolate."

My eyes lit up. "With marshmallows?"

Thalia snorted. "With marshmallows."

I hugged her quickly. "You know me so well." Then I turned to Coach and Piper. "Last one to the tent is a rotten egg."

Coach raised an eyebrow. "Oh, you are going down, cupcake."

I ran out into the snow and the cold wind whipped my hair around. I could see a tent a bit away with a few wolves play-fighting outside. A girl with auburn hair was stood outside, she waved at me smiling.

Wildfire (Leo Valdez x OC) (1)Where stories live. Discover now