The Repentance Part 2

Start from the beginning

Dhawal rushed upstairs to his room where Natasha was.  When he walked in, he saw that Natasha was packing her clothes, crying.  He locked the door as he knew that they needed this discussion.

"Stop, Natasha!  You aren't leaving!" yelled Dhawal

"Watch me!  I'm done with you!"  yelled Natasha, pushing past him to grab more clothes.

"Stop it, Natasha.  If you leave, I promise you.  I will burn down Pandya Store, as it is mine now.  I will tear down Pandya Niwas into a pile of dust.  Your brothers will be fired and never  be able to hold a job as I will make sure that they won't be able to do anything.  You won't be able to meet Naveli!"

"You ungrateful cold bastard!" cried Natasha

"I don't care!  You are not leaving!"  Spit out a furious Dhawal

"I hate you!" 

"Stop, Natasha.  You aren't going anywhere.  We are a family.  Yes, we had our ups and downs.  Yes, you lost Daama, we lost Amrish Bhai, and you lost your senses.  But you have finally regained your senses."  said Dhawal

"How long have I lost my senses."  asked Natasha, trying to calm herself down.

"After Naveli's birth.  I was angry with you and blamed you for Amrish's death.   I didn't know that he sacrificed himself to protect you and Naveli.  I failed you yet again.  But I won't let that happen again.  I didn't know that Ma was working against us yet again.  Even in my hatred, I loved you only.   I needed you near me.  You were supposed to go to Daama's until my anger cooled down, but you disappeared, and my anger peaked.  I went to pick you up, and you weren't there!  I had sent you there after Naveli's birth so I could calm down, Hetal Bhabi could calm down, as she still  blames you, and you disappeared.  We promised to stay together no matter what.  We promised ourselves to trust in each other and faith in each other.   I knew things were hard, I knew we could work it out."  Dhawal said, shaking her.

"First of all, back off."  Natasha tried to push Dhawal away from her.

"No," said Dhawal shocking her with his refusal.  She took a deep breath.

"Who's Naveli?  You keep on talking about Naveli?" asked Natasha

"She's our daughter.  She's 6 years old.  Very like you.  She thinks Pranali and Bhavin are her parents.  As I stayed away from her.  She looks like you.  I also got consumed in the running the  business."  stated Dhawal

"I want to meet her."  said Natash,  walking towards the door when Dhawal stopped her. "Wait.  We need to finish our conversation.  Then you can meet her."  stated Dhawa,  grabbing her arm.

"No! I want to meet her now!" yelled Natash,  pulling her arm out of his grasp and opening the door and walking out.  Dhawal caught up to her and grabbed her hand, leading her towards Naveli.

Dhawal introduced Natasha to their daughter.  Naveli grabbed the other hand and pulled her along towards Pranali.   "Mummy, look, I have a mumma too.  Makar Mawana said she's my mumma."

"Yes, beta.  That is your mumma.  I am your Bade Ma.  And Papa is your Bade Papa.  Dhawal is your Papa.  So, no calling him Makar Makwana."  said Pranali, smiling.

"Ok.  Bade Ma.  Maumma."  Naveli smiled, walked around Dhawal, and rushed out of the room.

"Pranali Bhabi.  Thank you for loving Naveli, for taking care of her when I couldn't."  cried Natasha

Pranali smacked Natasha on the head.  "Did you forget we are sisters.  Your daughter is my daughter, and my son is your son.  I will always be with you."  Pranali said as she hugged her.

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