Chapter 5: Crinos Fury

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Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes, Reality change

Bold + Italics: Songs lyrics, Voice on speaker

Bold + Underline: Dimension change information

[] + Bold: Recording, Chat logs, Small Timeskips and Flashbacks

(A/N: All the images or gifs or videos used do not belong to me, they belong to the respective owners)

Jaune was looking at Dracon's Lilly with horror, it was almost as if Nicholas's dream had come true, he was even able to break Lilly and turn her into a hound version of herself, a Crinos that is only meant to serve him. Lilly could only look at terror imagining the torture Dracon had put her through. 

Even the three stooges were horrified by how Dracon was treating Lilly, it was almost akin to a pet, as Dracon spoke, "So how do you like my Lilly? Isn't she the best when it comes to tracking? Turns out I asked General Judas and General Brey to torture and break her, and despite her Garou powers activating, I was able to keep her in check and prevent her from losing it. Eventually her mind couldn't take it and she broke. Gone was Lilly and instead only this beast is what remains, and she is completely obedient to her master, that is yours truly, and she serves me only!" Iris was stunned by this revelation, even she is a general, as she voiced her disbelief. 

"No way....I cannot be a General.." Dracon only laughed and responded, "Oh yes, you are quite the general. After Akari's death, you joined me willingly, however after that you went a little insane and obsessive towards 'Jaune', but it matters not. You will meet her soon enough, if you survive this battle.." Dracon spoke with a cackle as Iris couldn't even speak for much longer, she could only look down tearing on what her counterpart had become, since Dracon had no reason to lie in any way. Jaune could only look down in horror, before becoming angry due to how Dracon took advantage of both Akari and Iris and turned them into his own generals. Even Lilly was horrified by what she had witnessed and what Dracon did to both Akari, Iris and Lilly of this world, she wondered if Sarah met the same fate as the other two stooges. 

"You bastard!?!" Jaune was about to lunge, as Dracon wagged his finger and spoke, "Nuh-uh! I am far worse than a 'bastard'.." 

Before anyone could react, Dracon closed the distance between the two and punched Jaune hard enough that sent him flying, as he spoke, "Come up with something better next time.." 

"Jaune!" Lilly shouted as she acted quickly aiming a knuckle punch which was blocked by Dracon, who smirked as he spoke, "Nice-" 

Dracon was unable to complete as she ended up with following it with a kick which was blocked with his free hand, as Dracon quickly headbutted her causing her to stagger, he then followed it up with a sweep causing her to fall to the ground, she looked to see a pistol aimed at her, this was the Judgement of Shamash 

Dracon was unable to complete as she ended up with following it with a kick which was blocked with his free hand, as Dracon quickly headbutted her causing her to stagger, he then followed it up with a sweep causing her to fall to the ground, she l...

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