Chapter 41 - Eerie Night

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The night was unusually quiet, broken only by the rhythmic crash of waves against the shore. The makeshift camp on the beach lay under a canopy of stars, with four sturdy shelters crafted by Izuku and Momo standing as a testament to their resourcefulness.

Inside one of these shelters, Izuku stirred from a fitful sleep, his senses alert to an unfamiliar sound cutting through the silence. It was a distant rustling, soft but persistent, like something moving stealthily through the underbrush.

"Momo," Izuku whispered, nudging his companion gently. "Did you hear that?"

Momo's eyes fluttered open, her brow furrowed in concern. She strained to listen, her ears picking up the faint rustling that had awakened Izuku.

"Izuku, I hear it too," Momo replied in a hushed tone. "It could be an animal, or..."

Her voice trailed off as the rustling grew closer, accompanied now by soft, muffled footsteps on the sand outside their shelter.

Izuku's heart pounded in his chest as he reached for a small flashlight beside him. With a click, he illuminated the entrance of their shelter, casting a dim light on the shadowy figure standing just outside.

"Mina? Jiro?" Izuku called out cautiously, recognizing the silhouettes of their friends.

The figures shuffled closer, their faces pale in the dim light. Mina's normally vibrant demeanor was replaced by wide-eyed fear, and Jiro clutched at her earphone jacks nervously.

"We heard something... something out there," Jiro explained, her voice low and urgent. "It sounded close, too close."

Uraraka and Todoroki emerged from another shelter, their expressions mirroring the unease written across their friends' faces.

"Could it be one of those wild animals we heard about?" Uraraka whispered anxiously.

Todoroki scanned the area, his heterochromatic eyes glinting in the darkness. "We should gather everyone and move back to the beach camp. It's more open there, easier to see if there's anything approaching."

Izuku nodded in agreement, his mind racing with thoughts of potential dangers lurking in the night. "Let's wake the others quietly and head back. Stay together, and keep your lights handy."

With cautious efficiency, the group gathered their belongings and roused their remaining companions from the neighboring shelters. Kirishima emerged with a yawn, blinking in confusion at the tense atmosphere.

"What's going on?" Kirishima asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"We're moving back to the beach camp," Momo explained swiftly, her voice steady despite the underlying tension. "There's something out there, and we need to stay vigilant."

Kirishima's expression hardened as he absorbed the urgency in Momo's tone. "Got it. Let's stick together."

Momo led the way, her flashlight cutting through the darkness as they retraced their steps towards the open shoreline. The rustling noises seemed to follow them, growing louder and more pronounced with each passing moment.

As they reached the beach camp, the group huddled together, their breaths visible in the chilly night air. The sound of footsteps on the sand drew nearer, and everyone tensed, ready for whatever might emerge from the shadows.

But instead of a threat, they were greeted by the sight of Izuku and Momo's shelters, standing resolute against the backdrop of the moonlit beach. The familiar sight offered a semblance of safety, a reminder of the efforts they had made to create a haven in this unfamiliar wilderness.

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