Chapter 8 - Morning Surprises

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Chapter 8: Morning Surprises

The dawn of a new day cast a soft glow through the windows of U.A. High School's dormitories. As the clock struck 6 am, the students of Class 1-A began to stir. The familiar routine of preparing for the day unfolded, but little did they know that a scene of unexpected warmth awaited them in the common area.

One by one, the members of Class 1-A descended the dormitory stairs, their yawns and stretches echoing through the hallways. The early morning light revealed a serene atmosphere, and curiosity led them to the common area, where a faint glow of the television illuminated the room.

To their utter surprise, they discovered Izuku Midoriya and Momo Yaoyorozu still nestled together on the couch. The pair, wrapped in a shared blanket, appeared to have found comfort in sleep after their emotional movie night.

As the students gathered in the common area, a collective gasp and a few muffled exclamations escaped them. The sight of Izuku and Momo, peacefully entwined, added a layer of tenderness to the usually bustling morning routine.

Kirishima, unable to contain his surprise, blurted out, "Whoa, did we walk into a rom-com or what?"

Jiro, her earphone jacks slightly raised in astonishment, added, "I never thought I'd see Midoriya and Yaoyorozu in a real-life drama."

As the whispers and chuckles circulated among the surprised students, a subtle smile graced the faces of those witnessing the unexpected scene. Todoroki, typically reserved, found himself offering a rare amused smirk at the turn of events.

Not wanting to disturb the peaceful scene, the students quietly went about their morning routines. Some made breakfast in the dorm kitchen, while others opted for a cup of coffee, exchanging glances as they marveled at the unexpected tableau.

As the clock ticked away, signaling the arrival of a new day, Midoriya and Yaoyorozu began to stir. The soft sound of their movements caught the attention of the others, who turned their attention back to the couch.

Izuku, realizing the presence of their classmates, looked up with a slightly sheepish smile. "Morning, everyone."

Momo, still nestled against him, offered a drowsy but contented greeting. "Good morning."

The common area, once a silent witness to an intimate moment, now buzzed with the energy of shared camaraderie. The unexpected scene, a testament to the bonds forged within Class 1-A, added a touch of warmth and surprise to the start of a new day.

The morning in the U.A. High School dormitory continued with a buzz of surprise after the unexpected scene in the common area. As the students of Class 1-A went about their routines, Mina Ashido couldn't contain her excitement upon discovering Izuku and Momo on the couch.

With a mischievous grin, Mina approached the duo, who were now sitting up and trying to shake off the last traces of sleep. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" she exclaimed, her eyes twinkling with curiosity.

Izuku and Momo exchanged slightly nervous glances, not entirely prepared for the teasing that was about to come their way.

Mina, not one to beat around the bush, plopped down on an adjacent chair and fired off a barrage of questions. "So, movie night turned into a sleepover, huh? How did you two end up like this?"

Izuku, attempting to find the right words, stammered, "W-Well, we were watching movies, and then, uh... we must have fallen asleep."

Momo, her cheeks turning a shade of pink, added, "It was a bit unexpected, but, um, we didn't want to wake up the whole dorm."

Mina's eyes gleamed with mischief as she continued her line of inquiry. "Oh, come on! There must be more to the story. Did you share any secrets? Confess your undying love in your sleep, maybe?"

Izuku, now thoroughly flustered, mumbled, "N-No, nothing like that. We were just tired from training, and the movies... they were emotional."

Momo, attempting to steer the conversation away from potential embarrassment, added, "It was a comforting way to end the day, that's all."

Mina, not satisfied with their responses, pressed on, "Sure, sure, but did you at least dream of each other? Or maybe your dreams synced up, like in those cheesy romance novels?"

Izuku's eyes widened, and he stuttered, "N-No, Mina, it's not like that. Dreams are just... dreams."

Momo, equally flustered, chimed in, "Exactly! We were just tired, and our dreams had nothing to do with each other."

Mina, sensing their discomfort, decided to tease them a bit more before letting them off the hook. "Alright, alright, I'll stop prying. But you two better spill the juicy details later!"

As Mina skipped away with a satisfied grin, Izuku and Momo let out simultaneous sighs of relief. The unexpected morning interrogation had left them both thoroughly flustered, their cheeks still tinged with embarrassment.

The common area, now filled with the sounds of breakfast preparation and morning chatter, bore witness to the amusing aftermath of Mina's inquisitive teasing. The tapestry of their connections, woven through trials, shared moments, and unexpected interrogations, continued to unfold against the backdrop of hero academia.

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