Chapter 33 - Are you Ready Love

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Chapter 33: Are you Ready Love


As Aizawa stepped into the dorms, he was greeted by the comforting aroma of breakfast cooking in the kitchen. He followed the scent, expecting to find someone preparing a meal before the upcoming cruise. To his surprise, he found Izuku Midoriya standing at the stove, a determined expression on his face as he flipped pancakes with practiced precision.

"Morning, Aizawa-sensei," Izuku greeted, not turning around but somehow aware of his teacher's presence. "I made you a coffee. It's on the counter."

Aizawa glanced over to see a steaming mug waiting for him, a small gesture of consideration from his student. He nodded in acknowledgment before walking over to retrieve it, taking a sip of the hot beverage.

"Thanks, Midoriya," he said gruffly, his tone softened by the warmth of the coffee.

Just then, Momo Yaoyorozu descended the stairs, her hair slightly disheveled from sleep but a smile lighting up her face as she approached Izuku from behind.

"Good morning, Izuku," she said, wrapping her arms around him in a gentle hug. "I got worried when I woke up and you weren't in bed."

Izuku turned to face her, his expression apologetic. "Sorry, Momo," he said, reaching up to gently peck her cheek. "I just wanted to make breakfast before we leave."

Momo smiled at him, her eyes soft with affection. "Well, thank you," she said, leaning into his touch. "It smells delicious."

Aizawa observed the interaction with a small smile, feeling a sense of pride in his students' camaraderie. Despite the challenges they faced as heroes-in-training, they had formed strong bonds of friendship and support and even more.

"Make sure you two eat something before we leave," Aizawa reminded them, taking another sip of his coffee. "We'll need our energy for the cruise."

Izuku and Momo nodded in agreement, already turning their attention back to the breakfast preparations. As Aizawa watched them work together in harmony, he couldn't help but feel a sense of optimism for the future of Class 1-A.

Izuku glanced over his shoulder at Aizawa, a warm smile on his face. "Sensei, why don't you take a seat on the couch? Breakfast will be ready soon, and you might as well relax."

Aizawa raised an eyebrow but complied, settling onto the couch with his coffee in hand. He observed Izuku's bustling activity in the kitchen, impressed by his student's multitasking skills.

Meanwhile, Momo sorted utensils and dishes, Together, they worked efficiently, ensuring that everyone would have a hearty breakfast before their departure.

As the delicious aroma of pancakes and eggs filled the air, the rest of Class 1-A began to trickle down the stairs, drawn by the enticing scent. One by one, they joined Aizawa on the couch, eagerly anticipating the meal that Izuku was preparing.

Kirishima was the first to arrive, followed closely by Uraraka and Iida. They chatted amiably as they waited, excited for the day ahead. Soon, the rest of the class joined them, each expressing their gratitude to Izuku for taking the time to cook for them.

Finally, Izuku emerged from the kitchen, carrying a large platter piled high with pancakes, eggs, bacon, and fresh fruit. Momo followed behind him, carrying additional dishes and a warm smile for her classmates.

"Breakfast is served!" Izuku announced cheerfully, setting the platter down on the table. The class eagerly dug in, savoring the delicious meal and enjoying each other's company before their departure.

As they ate, Aizawa couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his students. Despite the challenges they faced, they always came together as a team, supporting and encouraging each other every step of the way. And as they laughed and joked over breakfast, Aizawa knew that they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead on their journey as heroes.

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