Chapter 22- Wholsome Events

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Chapter 22: Wholesome events.

Mina, reveling in her role as the evening's entertainment director, made a grand gesture toward the television. "Alright, folks! Brace yourselves for a classic comedy – 'Superhero Shenanigans'!" The room erupted in cheers, and Mina skillfully navigated through the movie's humor, delivering punchlines with impeccable timing that had the whole class in stitches.

As the credits rolled, Izuku, with a modest smile, suggested, "How about we go for something a bit different? Maybe a thriller or action movie?"

But before he could choose, Momo, feeling a bit mischievous, interjected, "Izuku, why don't you let me pick this time?" She gave him a playful nudge, and he chuckled, conceding, "Sure, Momo, go ahead."

Momo, with a glint of excitement in her eyes, browsed through the available movies. After a moment of contemplation, she picked a romance film, much to the surprise of some classmates who exchanged knowing glances.

Izuku, caught off guard by her choice, smiled warmly. "Romance it is then. Great choice, Momo." The class settled in for a romantic tale, and the room transformed into a sea of blankets and pillows as the characters on screen navigated the complexities of love.

The storm outside intensified, but within the confines of their cozy dorm, Class 1A found themselves captivated by the cinematic journey that unfolded on the screen. As the romantic movie that Momo had picked reached its pinnacle, Momo found herself captivated by the on-screen love story. In a spontaneous moment, she decided to make herself even more comfortable, slowly laying her head on Izuku's lap. The unsuspecting move caught Izuku off guard, and a gentle blush spread across his cheeks.

Class 1A watched in amusement as the dynamic between Momo and Izuku subtly shifted. Mina nudged Kirishima, whispering, "Looks like we've got our own love story brewing right here."

Meanwhile, Momo, sensing Izuku's surprise, couldn't help but chuckle softly. "Did I catch you off guard, Izuku?" she teased, her eyes sparkling with playful mischief.

Izuku, recovering from his initial fluster, met Momo's gaze with a warm smile. Deciding to embrace the moment, he reached down and gently cradled her head in his hands. The room held its breath as Izuku, with a tender gesture, planted a soft kiss on Momo's forehead—a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken connection that had been steadily growing between them.

The classmates exchanged glances, a mix of surprise and delight painted across their faces. The storm outside continued its relentless symphony, but within the dorm's walls, a different kind of warmth permeated the air—a shared understanding that friendship, like the movies they enjoyed, could evolve into something deeper.

Momo, her cheeks tinted with a blush, looked up at Izuku, their eyes locking in a quiet exchange that spoke volumes. The movie's romantic soundtrack played softly in the background and izuku and momo stayed like that until the end credits played, enhancing the atmosphere of the room. Class 1A then opted for a horror movie , and Mina, the entertainer, selected a film that promised to send shivers down their spines. The room buzzed with anticipation as the movie began, plunging the students into an atmosphere of suspense and fear.

As the horror unfolded on the screen, Momo, typically composed, found herself genuinely frightened. The eerie scenes and haunting soundtrack tapped into a fear she hadn't expected. Without realizing it, she moved from her seat to Izuku's side, taking refuge in his lap. Her grip on him grew tighter with each escalating moment of tension.

Izuku, sensing Momo's genuine fear, placed a comforting hand on her back. He could feel her trembling, and he glanced down to see a glint of tears in her eyes. Concern etched across his face, he discreetly leaned down and whispered, "Hey, it's just a movie. You're safe here."

Friends to lovers?  Izuku x Momo / Read description حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن