Chapter 17 - The USJ Excursion

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Chapter 17: The USJ Excursion

That afternoon , Class 1-A were back gathered in their homeroom, the air thick with anticipation. Aizawa, their stoic homeroom teacher, entered the room with his usual disheveled appearance, capturing the attention of the students.

Aizawa sighed, looking at the expectant faces before him. "We're going to the USJ tomorrow."

Excitement rippled through the room as students exchanged glances. The Unforeseen Simulation Joint (USJ) was a renowned training ground for heroes, a place where practical skills were put to the test in simulated scenarios.

Aizawa continued, "This is a chance for all of you to apply what you've learned in a controlled environment. Pay attention, follow instructions, and make the most of this opportunity. It's not just a field trip; it's part of your hero training."

The atmosphere in the room shifted from anticipation to a focused determination. The students understood the significance of the upcoming excursion—the chance to face challenges, confront simulated villains, and demonstrate their abilities in a setting that mirrored the real world.

Aizawa, known for his no-nonsense approach, added, "This isn't a vacation. It's a serious training exercise. Be prepared for unexpected situations, and remember what you've been taught so far. The USJ isn't a place to take things lightly."

With those words, Aizawa left the room, leaving Class 1-A to process the exciting news. The USJ had become a symbol of growth and development for aspiring heroes, and the prospect of testing their skills in its hallowed grounds filled the students with a mix of excitement and determination.

As the bell rang, signaling the end of the day, the students exchanged glances, their thoughts already drifting to the challenges that awaited them at the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. Tomorrow's excursion promised to be a pivotal moment in their journey towards becoming heroes.

The rain outside intensified as Izuku and Momo ventured into the storm-soaked streets in search of a solution. The unexpected challenge became an opportunity for them to problem-solve together, strengthening their bond amid the unplanned chaos.

With each step, the rain soaked them further, and the idea of finding a convenience store seemed more distant. Izuku, realizing the limited options, turned to Momo. "Do you trust me, Yaoyorozu?"

Momo, looking somewhat surprised, nodded. "Of course, Midoriya. What are you thinking?"

Izuku, with a determined glint in his eyes, said, "Hold on tight. I have a last-ditch idea." Without waiting for a response, he swiftly swept Momo off her feet, holding her in a bridal carry.

Momo's eyes widened in surprise, and then a smile played on her lips. "What's the plan, Midoriya?"

Izuku grinned, "Hold on." Activating Full Cowling at 8%, he propelled himself forward with incredible speed. Raindrops blurred in their wake as Izuku sprinted through the storm, his quirk allowing him to navigate the rain-soaked streets with unparalleled agility.

The wind howled around them as they approached the UA dorms. Izuku didn't slow down this time, opting to carry Momo all the way to their destination. Bursting through the dorm door, he held her securely in his arms.

As they entered the common area, their classmates looked up, their expressions shifting from shock to amusement.

Kirishima, with a laugh, exclaimed, "Dude, you really know how to make an entrance!"

Ashido chimed in, "Classic Midoriya move, carrying Yaoyorozu like a princess. What did we expect, really?"

Sero smirked, "Yeah, it's like their signature move. You can always count on them for some unexpected drama."

Iida, trying to maintain a semblance of order, raised an eyebrow. "While I appreciate the creativity, please refrain from making a habit of storming into the dorms like this."

Izuku, still catching his breath, grinned. "Noted, Iida. It was just a one-time thing, I promise."

Momo, her face still flushed from the cold and the unexpected entrance, managed to join in the laughter. The atmosphere in the common area shifted from surprise to shared amusement, turning their impromptu escapade into a moment of camaraderie.

Izuku, still holding Momo in his arms, glanced around the common area filled with amused classmates. "Uh, we should probably get changed. We'll be back in a few minutes."

Momo nodded in agreement, a faint blush still lingering on her cheeks. "Yes, it's probably best if we change out of these wet clothes. Thank you all for the warm welcome," she added with a slight teasing smile.

As they made their way toward their dorms, Izuku, in the midst of the distraction, unintentionally forgot to put Momo down. The two disappeared from the common area, leaving the classmates exchanging glances.

Jiro raised an eyebrow. "Did anyone else notice Midoriya forgot to put Yaoyorozu down?"

Kaminari chuckled, "Guess he's so used to carrying her, he forgets when he should stop."

Ashido joined in, "Classic Midoriya move. It's like he's determined to keep the princess carry going."

Sero laughed, "Well, they did just have an adventure in the rain. Maybe they're just rolling with the unexpected today."

Kirishima added, "Man, Midoriya's always full of surprises. But hey, it's all in good fun. They'll be back soon, and we can get back to our regularly scheduled chaos."

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