Chapter 17 - Spending the day with Alessio

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It's been a few days now and my treatment is getting better everyday and I feel amazing about it

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It's been a few days now and my treatment is getting better everyday and I feel amazing about it. I just can't wait to get back on my feet.

My trainer said it'll only be a few ekstra weeks then I'll be back on my feet again. Angela has also come back yesterday and her mission was a success.

I haven't heard anything from Valez yet, but he said he'll text me when he has everything ready for when we can give Cade back.

Enzo still doesn't know that I met with Cade' second in command - Valez - and I don't know what he'll do when I tell him. I just know for a fact he's gonna go crazy about it, but hey I helped him with his situation, he can atleast be great full about it.

Enzo and I also went on a couple of dates since my incident and it's all been the best. Enzo has been the best boyfriend I've ever had. And I also just know he's never been this soft with anyone before. But for me he is.

Right now I'm wheeling to the kitchen where is see Alessio alone there. I'll admit we 2 haven't even had a conversation alone. So for today the 2 of us are going to spend the whole day together alone.

"Hey Alessio, what you doing?"I ask going over to the kitchen counter a d taking a seat in one of the chairs, it takes long with my situation but Alessio helped me and went over to finishing his sandwich.

"Just making me something to eat. I'm hungry as fuck. What's wrong." He asks the last part with concern in his voice and face.

I mentally chuckle. He really cares about me even if it doesn't look like that.

"Nothings wron- actually there is, I feel like the 2 of us haven't spend anytime together at all ever since we met each other, and I'm going to change that. Clear you schedule because we 2 are going to spend the entire day together."I say sternly with no room for arguments.

He looks up at me with a smile genuine smile, "yeah, I agree, today we are going to have a lot of fun."then he walks over to me and sits next to me eating his sandwich happily.

>>>time skip>>>

After the 2 of us ate, we went to our own rooms to get ready to spend the day together. I honestly can't wait for this day at all y'know. After I got ready, I wheeled back downstairs and when I got there I already saw Alessio.

"Hey, sorry for taking so long, it's kinda hard to get ready with being in a wheelchair and all y'know." I say chuckling a bit, but he just waves it off.

"It's fine really, besides I just got her aswell." He says and we go outside to his car and he helps me inside and puts my wheelchair in the back car seat.

After a while of driving I ask, "so where we going?"I ask looking away from the window towards him and he has a little smile on his face while saying, "you'll see."is all he has to say for me to know he won't really tell me where we are going.

Then we started to gossip- well he tells me funny and embarrassing things about Enzo, and everything is funny as fuck. The whole ride to somewhere we make jokes and spending time with him really makes me happy - not that the other's don't make me happy.

"We're here."he says after he stops the car and when I look outside I'm flabbergasted - holy shit I can't believe he brought me here.

"he says after he stops the car and when I look outside I'm flabbergasted - holy shit I can't believe he brought me here

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"What, I can't believe you brought be here. This looks amazing. It's very fucking huge aswell and there is so much people."I say as he helps me out the car and back into the wheelchair.

"This is going to be very fun, Nora."he says with a big smile. I can't wait for this.

I thought we were gonna go into the crowd with the rest of the millions of people but no- we went back stage.

I wonder whose concert we're at. I couldn't see who it was with all these people.

"Why are we back stage?"I ask Alessio once we stop at the back stage. He then grins ear to ear.

"Because, I booked for us to meet the person in private, once he has done all 8 songs. He's currently at song 3." He says with a big grin and looks at the guy singing.

When I also look ahead I gasp. My favorite singer!! Oh my gosh!! This really is the best day ever!!

It's Harry Stiles!!

How the hell did Alessio even know he's my favorite male singer. This is epic.

>>>time skip>>>

After he did all his songs he came back stage and saw me and Alessio. I had a huge smile on my face and to be honest my face is kinda starting to hurt from so much smiling.

"Hey, are you 2 the people who is meeting me privately?"he asks in that hot British accent. His accent, ugh I just can't.

Is it cheating if I say someone else's accent is hot??

"Hi, yeah it's us. Your songs are amazing. This little girl here loves every single song of yours."Alessio says.

Did he seriously just call me a little girl...

"Uhh, for your information, I'm 22. And it's amazing to meet you Harry Stiles. All your songs is the best."I say excited and the 2 boys laugh at my atics. Dicks.

"Well, it's very nice to meet you 2."he says with a big smile that makes me smile aswell.

>>>time skip>>>

The three of us have been talking for a long while now. It's really fun talking to him, he also has all these amazing stories that he told us about.

I still can't believe I met Harry Stiles.

Right now me and Alessio is driving back to the house with some music playing. It's kinda silent in the car. I can also tell Alessio wants to say something but doesn't.

"I know you met with Valez."

1050 words


Here is another chapter. Sorry for being so late to finish it I've just been very busy. I also want to do one more chapter and then I won't be able to update for 2 weeks and sorry about that.

What do you think of this chapter. Please you can all still give me ideas for next chapter, it would help alot bc my brain can't think of any ideas for next chapter.

Next chapter, in 3 days.

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