Chapter 3 -seeing my brother again

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Lorenzo Pov

We just got into my penthouse. I already texted my pilot and told him to get the jet ready. I also told my brother and sister we are going back to Italy, they asked why, and I said I'm taking Nora there, cuz she has to go there for her brother, and they said yes.

Angela was so happy she could finally meet the girl that had me smiling like crazy. When we got in we saw there was 8 suitcases and 2 duffle bags ready.

Just then Angela and Alessio came and they saw Nora, Alessio eyes grew big and Angela was smiling like crazy. How does her cheeks not hurt from all the smiling?

Angela immediately came towards Nora, "oh my gosh, your even more beautiful in person."Angela says and Nora smiles and thanks her.

"Well, we have to get going to Italy."I say as guards take our bags to the car, and Angela and Nora walk to the car, so now it's just me and Alessio in the penthouse alone. And I know for a fact he's gonna say something about Nora.

"Nora, is the hottest fucking girl I've ever seen brother and you can't hit me for saying that, I mean look at the gorgeous girl."he says as he walks out the door and down to the car.

Him saying how hot and gorgeous she is, really makes me wants to shoot him in the fucking head. But I can't for 2 reasons, one he's my brother. And two, he's right.

When I got down to the car, we immediately go to the airport. And Angela and Nora talk the whole way there. I'm kinda jealous of my sister, I mean she's taking my girl away from me! How the fuck does that even happen?!
After an hour, we arrive at the airport. And when Nora sees the jet, her mouth is open.

"You better close that pretty mouth of your, don't want a fly going in there."I say chuckling as I get out the car, and holding out my hand for her hoping she'd take it. And luckily she does.

We 4 start going into the jet, and get into our seats. Nora sits close to the window, and I decide to also sit there. Right infront of her.

Just then an attendant comes to us and asks if we want anything for the 9 hour flight and we all say no.

(I know it might not be 9 hours but I just made up a time)

When she gets to me, she pushes up her boobs, and thank the fuck, Nora isn't looking. "You better get the fuck away from me, if you still want to live you fucking attention seeking whore."I whisper to the flight attendance and she gulps and walks away.

For the whole flight I was talking to Nora and we have a lot in common actually. Like how we both have an IQ higher then 200.

She also told me a bit more about her past, but I have a feeling some of it isn't good. But I ignore it and don't ask questions. For now.

After a while she gets a call. She starts to smile widely. And I can also see her eyes become glossy. Judging by her wide smile, it's something good.

When she ends the phone call, I ask, "what's wrong?"and she looks up at me, and she smiles more wider if it even possible. And fuckin hell, her dimples.

"My brother is happy to see me again, and he even asked the social worker for my number, fuck I thought after all these years he would be angry at me for leaving him."she says

And I smile at that. I don't know why, but in these last few days, I grew more closer to to Nora, and I've never been close to anyone before, ever. Well except for Alessio and Angela ofcourse.

But other than them, no one. This affect she has on me, is growing more and more by the second. And I have a good feeling about it. Everything about her, is happiness.

After a while the jet lands and we get off and into the car. "Can you maybe drop me off at the police station, so I can get my brother?"she asks with that angelic voice of hers.

I nod saying, "yes ofcourse, I just hope he'll be comfortable around me."I say and she sighs.

"I'll tell him, how we know each other, I mean he'll probably want to know how we know each other."she says and I nod.

While we two are at the front- me driving and Nora in shotgun -Alessio and Angela are in the back arguing about something.

About 20 minutes later we arrive at the police station. Nora immediately runs into the station. I wait in the car, wanting to give them space and some time.

Nora Pov

When I got intonthe station I first have to sign papers to see my brother, so I sign then quickly not even reading through it. When I'm done signing the bring my brother to me. He immediately drops all his stuff and runs to me. I also run to him. The impact of us running to each other, made us both fall on the floor, but I could care less right now.

"I'm so glad to have you back, my little Étoile, I missed you so fucking much."I whisper in his ear.

(Étoile- star)

"I'm so glad your taking me in, I missed you,sis."he says and I smile.

I don't know for how long we were on the floor, but eventually we got up. And I started to explain every single detail to him, and he's fine with it, as long as I'm fine, and not hurt....anymore.

After that we got out the station and walk towards Lorenzo's car and get in. After we got in the all start introducing themselves to each other. And Alessio an my brother are immediately like besties.

1021 words

End of this chapter, tell me what you all think of this.

Next chapter whenever.

• Gabriel Berkshire • 17 years old• Younger brother of Nora Berkshire • Vowed to protect his sister even tho she's older• In training for mafia, sister doesn't know• Brown hair • Blue/grey eyes• 6,0

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• Gabriel Berkshire
• 17 years old
• Younger brother of Nora Berkshire
• Vowed to protect his sister even tho she's older
• In training for mafia, sister doesn't know
• Brown hair
• Blue/grey eyes
• 6,0

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