Chapter Forty Two

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Layla rolled to her side while slowly lifting her eyelids. She sat on the bed, pushing her hair to the back which was covering half of her face as she try to adjust to the semi darkness of the room.

A yawn escape her mouth at the same time her stomach groaned loudly which made her to look down at with her hand immediately going over it.

Layla scrabble out of the bed with only one though in her head. Food!

She ate yesterday night, didn't she? Or was it two night ago? Still that does not make sense for her to have this kind of unspeakable hunger.

She existed the room, feeling achy all over her body, her door is opened she took a quick note while heading for the kitchen thinking maybe Abdul stopped by and most be the one that left it opened.

Layla suddenly came to a stand still as she stopped pressing her hand over her eyes, she glanced back to where she came out from then took her gaze ahead of her.

Instead of the structure of the hallway she is familiar with, this was a dinning table leading to another room, cause the light from the door is reflecting through the dinning area.

Slowly but surely, she lift her legs in dismay while trying to navigate around the whole placing thinking maybe she is still dreaming cause even her legs feel numb.

She walked passed the dinning to the parlor then stopped, scanning the semi dark place. Why is she here?

Once again, she tried to make sense of the dream she had through she had.

Their screaming voices, the images, she is still trying to process it cause one minute everything is crystal clear and the next it all become dark.

Layla closed her eyes as she bend with a hands going over her ears, their screaming voices are ringing loudly inside her ear and for a moment she couldn't get what they're talking about except the moving of their mouth in anger.

"No..." After what seems like forever, she heard a voice in a distance, coming as a whispers and that made Layla open one of her eyes first, before she removed the hand then stood straight before she shove her hair to the back.

Looking around the semi dark place, she took a deep calming breath still confused by the situation, she can remember perfectly well her argument with Abdulazeez and until he started beating her.

Speaking of Abdul beating her, she made a mental note of threatening him cause there is no way in hell she will allow anything like this to ever happened again.

But from there on ward, everything is just so fuzzy, she was on the hospital bed hearing Jawad and Abdulazeez argue...Jawad.

"No Nabila. That wasn't the deal" As soon as she mumbled the name, she caught the very familiar voice.

Layla stood straight, scanning the room once more for the voice that just spoke.

"You know that wasn't the agreement and you can't break it now." The same voice half yelled which made Layla to quickly snapped her head to the sources of it.

She knew the voice and too well at that and for him to shout like that is definitely because something is wrong.

Layla swallow a lump down her throat, then reluctantly headed fully to where she sighted him, by the coffee table, standing next to the curtains looking outside.

As if on a cue, he turned and that made Layla to stop dead on her track holding her breathe in the process.

They held each other's gaze for a moment and Layla was quick to break it as she looked down fiddling with her fingers while feeling his intense stares boring holes on her body.

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