Chapter 16

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Song: Self Harmageddon -dandelion hands

There was a silence over the whole solar system. Even the sun had stopped making sun-jokes. They had told the rest of the solar system what had happened. Uranus said "I'm sorry for your loss" and continued on with his usual life. Neptune barely understood, and he too just went on with his silly self. They were never close to the other planets, especially Neptune.

Jupiter would try to comfort Saturn, meanwhile the inner planets tried to comfort Earth. Europa and Ganymede were still hiding, probably in the asteroid belt somewhere. No one bother to look for them though, no one really wanted to see them.

Earth was in his orbit. That's where he always was now. He would rarely speak to anyone, barely even look at them. It hurt Mars and also Venus to see him like this. Anytime they saw him, he always had bags under his eyes. He barely slept, that was obvious. Tear stains were also seen very often on him. And Venus, who had the closest orbit to Earth, could sometimes hear Earth's sniffles in the night.

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