Chapter 2

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Song: Big Jet Plane -Angus & Julia Stone

"How are you?" Moon looked at Earth, and Earth understood what he was talking about. "Not great." Earth sighed. "Things are getting worse." He continued. Moon looked at him sadly, wishing he could do something. But he couldn't. Earth always told him that him just being there was enough. Ever since the revolution, the suicide attempt, Earth had started to treat moon much better. Everyone else too, of course. But moon had noticed how much Earth really cared for him now, and it was honestly still kind of surprising how much that actually was.

"I'm sorry to hear that." He said with the same sad expression. Earth shook his head(?). "Maybe they'll realize one day what they're doing, and maybe they'll change. Just like I did." Moon nodded. Sadly, that would never happen. They both knew it. It's too late. But they can pretend. Pretend everything was going to be better. Pretend that everything was good.

However, there was other things that was better. Titan would hang out more often with moon and the other planets, join their card games, everyone was welcome now. Planet, moon, it didn't matter.

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