Chapter 10

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Song: Ww -Other Nothing

Europa and Ganymede were in the asteroid belt. The revolution was over but their problem wasn't gone, they were still neglected by their planet.

"We need to attack again." Europa told Ganymede. "We can't, we'll never get the moons on our side again." Europa groaned. "Ugh, there has to be another way or something." "But the Earth changed, we have no reason to attack him anymore."

"We're still being treated unfairly. We need to make a statem-" Ganymede interrupted her. "We did make a statement. We attacked two planets, we beat them and where did that get us? Nowhere."
Europa sighed in frustration, knowing that he was right. "But what if we killed him?" Ganymede looked at Europa in surprise. "Kill who- the Earth?" Europa grinned. "Exactly. Attacking anyone won't do it, but killing their favorite planet will definitely do." "But he chang-" "It's not about teaching a lesson anymore, it's about setting a mark that will never be underestimated again." Ganymede paused. "But we did set a mark! I told you, we attacked Mars and Venus and beat them, and our planet's reaction was telling us off." Europa looked at Ganymede annoyed at his stupidity. "Yeah, because they could recover and forget about it. If we killed the Earth, they would never forget it."
"So what do we do then?"

"Don't worry, I have a plan."

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