Chapter 13

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Song: Born To Die -Lana Del Ray

Moon slowly opened his eyes, his vision was a bit blurry. He looked around and saw.. the Earth? Titan too.. and Europa and- oh no.

"LET ME GO YOU F*CKING ASSHOLE" Titan screamed at Ganymede. Ganymede had caught Titan is his gravitational pull. And since Ganymede was bigger, Titan couldn't escape.

The moon's head(?) was still hurting and his vision still blurry. But he could see what was happening. He saw Ganymede pull Titan back, and his eyes widened. He understood. He looked at the Earth, and without thinking twice, he threw himself in front of him.

Ganymede swung Titan right at Earth, but moon managed to get in front of him just in time.




Earth stared in front of him.  His core sunk. He felt like he couldn't breathe. Tears started running down his face, but he didn't even notice. His core ached, and it did even more when he started to realize. His ears were ringing as he just continued to stare. He was trembling, and his breath was quick and shaky.

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