Chapter 3

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Song: Left -sign crushes motorists

"And that's how a baby is made!" A moment of silence. "I can't believe you just told us that Earth." Venus stared at Earth in disgust. Earth just laughed. "Honestly Earth, that's disgusting." Mars agreed. Earth was about to respond when he was interrupted by moon who, without Earth noticing, had came back from his hang out with Titan. Earth jumped, a little startled. "Ah! Jesus... you scared me! You're so quiet moon-"

"Earth how was I formed?"


Moon waited for the answer, looking in to Earths eyes. Earth stayed silent for a while.

"Why do you want to know that?" He finally said, his voice had a different tone. Moon was a bit confused, it was a simple question. Yet Earth suddenly sounded so serious, almost.. sad?
"I just wanted to know, I mean, how I was born and all." Earth looked away from moons eyes. Moon looked at the others, who were silent. They also looked almost sad. What was going on?

"It was a long time ago. I don't remember." Moon knew Earth was lying, but the topic seemed sensitive to him. Moon sighed, still confused why this was such a big deal. "Okay." He simply said.
Earth sighed, seeming relived that moon had let the subject go.

Moon decided he would ask someone else, the smartest one of the planets, Jupiter. He knew everything, right?

"Jupiter?" Moon looked up at the enormous planet in front of him, to be honest it was a bit scary. With that size Jupiter could destroy the whole solar system. Well, except the sun. However, it didn't bother moon that much since he knew Jupiter wouldn't do that.

"Earths moon? What brings you here?" Jupiter looked down at the small moon. His look calm, showing that he wanted to help with whatever moon needed. Moon did notice that Jupiter was slightly surprised to see moon without Earth, and because moon never needed any help from Jupiter.

"I was just wondering, how was I formed?" Yet again, a more serious expression formed once he asked that question. But it was softer than the others. Jupiter stayed quiet for a few seconds before answering. "Why do you want to know that?" It was the same question Earth had asked. A question with the response of "I just wanted to know, I mean, how I was born and all." But the answer to that was different now.

"I suppose you asked Earth, didn't you? And he didn't respond, that's why you came to me, right?"
Moon nodded. Jupiter sighed, not looking excited to explain something to someone, like he usually was. "Well moon, it happened a long time ago. Back in the early days of the solar system. Things were, you know, different. There were.." he hesitated a bit before continuing. "..More planets, back then."

More planets? Moon thought.

"And well, there was a planet about the size of Mars, named Theia." Jupiter became more hesitant to explain, but he did anyways. "Theia had an unstable orbit around the sun, nearly along the orbit of the proto-Earth. And, well... Theia was perturbed away from that by the gravitational influence of Venus... and... me..." Jupiter became silent after saying that, looking kind of guilty.

"What happened then?"

Jupiter took a deep breath. "It resulted in Theia getting into a collision course with proto-Earth.. after the collision, you got formed from some of Theia's remains..." Another moment of silence. Moon stared at Jupiter in shock.

He was... formed from remains of a dead planet..?

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