Chapter 7

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Song: retire (final) -Alvedon

"Be careful, Moon. The astroid belt is dangerous, y'know? You could get hurt."

"I'll be fine, Earth. You know I get hit by asteroids all the time, protecting you." Earth looked slightly guilty. "Yeah I know but.. it's a lot more dangerous in the asteroid belt. I don't want you to get hurt."
Moon smiled softly. "I know.. I'll be careful, alright?" Earth nodded. "Mm. I'll see you later moon." Moon nodded as well before heading off towards the asteroid belt and further, to Titan. They had become pretty good friends after the whole revolution.

Meanwhile, Earth was now alone. He look towards Mars' orbit, seeing Mars chatting with his two moons. Seeing them having fun together made him feel a bit alone. Moon were often hanging out with Titan now, making Earth more alone. Of course Earth didn't say anything, he was happy that moon had a friend. He looked over to the other side instead, where Venus' orbit was. Venus didn't have a moon, so just like Earth, Venus floated there in the empty space, alone.

Earth looked at Venus, feeling kind of bad. He remembered the old times, when Venus and him used to be friends. Real friends. It was him, Venus and Theia. After the collision with Theia, Venus and Earth stopped talking as much to each other. Before the whole mess, Earth would mostly only hang out with Mars, which would mean that Venus was often alone. When Earth spoke to him and called him best friend, it must've made Venus really happy. And Earth had only used Venus for validation. Guilt washed over him and the thoughts came back.

You don't deserve them.

You'll never be better.

Everyone would be happier without you.

No. He couldn't think like that. He promised Moon.

He shook off the thoughts and took a final glance at Venus, who just happened to look Earths way that moment. Their eyes met. After a short moment, Earth smiled at Venus and signed at him to come over, which Venus did.

"Hey Earth, where's your moon?" Was the first thing Venus said when he reached Earths orbit. "He's with Titan." Earth explained. "Okay. Did you need something?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to play cards?" Earth said, his expression was soft. Even though Venus had started hanging out with Earth and Mars more, it was still mostly Earth and Mars who hanged out. Venus paused for a moment. "What about Mars?" Earth took a quick look at Mars, who was now discussing something with his other neighbor, Jupiter. "Let's just play you and I, eh?" Venus nodded, seeming quite happy. And so they began playing.

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