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Okay, her comes the rewritten, better version of "Moondust".

This one has a different ending, it's more serious, and in my opinion, it's much better. (Still not saying it's good lol)

I dunno if I mentioned it in the other one but it's sort of inspired from a book I read at school. (The "If you die, I'll kill myself" parts are inspired by that. Also the ending, but I can't reveal that 🙃). The book is called "I taket lyser stjärnorna" (Literally translated: "In the ceiling the stars shine" better translated: "The stars are shining on the ceiling") and it's a great Swedish book, very emotional.
Also, some chapters are extremely short, some chapters are long, just so you know. (And this was also kinda inspired by that book, because it was very long and sometimes very short chapters in it too.)

Trigger warnings: Death, mentions of suicide and (one) swear-word.

Oh and, of course I did the songs again. And now they are a bit more related to the chapters.

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