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When it was the third time Ryu made a mistake on a simple programming sequence, Kai couldn’t help but ask him if he was okay. The Ryu that he knew of was never so restless like this, like something was going on with his life. So naturally, as a friend, he wanted to know if he could help him.

“So, Ryu, you know I’m your friend right?” Kai sat next to him and offered him a bottle of banana milk that he stocked in his fridge. Everyone seemed to love it – mixed with alcohol of course – but he just gave it plain to Ryu.

Ryu took it and observed it intensely before he replied.

“Of all humans that I have encountered so far, you are one of my favorite people, so yeah, I guess we are friends.” He sighed and stabbed the banana milk top with the straw before he drank it in one gulp. “You know, I used to hate banana milk. I mean, I hate milk, and then there’s this weird flavor. Banana? Who in their right mind combined milk and banana together and called it a drink? I don’t get it, and don’t think I would.”

Kai let him ramble, because he had a feeling that these weird rants would lead them somewhere that caused Ryu to become restless – unlike his usual cold and quiet persona.

“But you know what Kai? I found out that my first love – the only person I ever loved other than my parents – loves this godforsaken drink. Hell, I even bought the company when they went bankrupt years ago so that she could keep drinking it.”

Ryu sighed again and he slammed his head on the table.

“And you know what? I made such a huge mistake that probably cost me everything. I lied to her and now she won’t talk to me.”


Of course Kai understood, after all, he was in the same situation himself – where he fell in love with someone that he shouldn’t. And how much did it hurt – he knew it all very well.

But right now, it was about Ryu, not him.

“Have you asked her to meet you and explain why you lied to her? I think communication is the best method to solve problems. I’m sure if you explain to her why you lied, she would understand.”

“I’m trying. Right now she has her own problem, you know. It’s very complicated and I want to give her some space before I apologize.”

Suddenly Ryu could feel another presence behind him, and he was surprised to see Mikazuki and Freyr listening to them from the back.

“Go on, please continue. I miss this kind of drama, you know.” Mikazuki took a handful of chips from the bag she held and she settled down on the couch. “But – a word of advice – I don’t think giving space to the angry lady will solve your problem. It only works for a dense man like you. Bet you’re still a virgin before you met her, am I right?” She grinned and Freyr couldn’t hold back his laugh.

Ryu’s cheeks went red from embarrassment by Mikazuki’s words, but he couldn’t deny it, since it was true.

He never had any kind of relationship with women, and if he needed to make any contact with another human, he would tell Max to do it in his stead. He just didn’t want to waste his time socializing when he could create another breakthrough in his games.

Unfortunately, one day he had to – when he wanted to work together with Kai – who, thankfully, was the greatest person he had ever met. And ever since then, he became accustomed to Kai and his friends and family, and thank god they were not like the other greedy humans who would do anything to exploit any connection they had with him, so he felt safe here.

So, when he met Kira again, he was elated… and didn’t know what to do. Except making mistakes after mistakes.

“You need help with the lady?” Freyr smirked at him and Mikazuki slapped his back. “I’m just kidding, baby, you know I only want you.” He chuckled and pulled Mikazuki into his lap and kissed her, while groping her derriere – and things got heated fast. 

Then he suddenly stopped and looked dead in Ryu’s eyes.

“That’s how you do it, Ryohei boy.”

Mikazuki rolled her eyes and Kai couldn’t help but smile. Those two were so cute together and he never saw Freyr look that happy before – with stars literally in his eyes when he looked at Mikazuki.

Mikazuki was a very beautiful woman with her beautifully seductive, fox-like features and a cold look like a veteran killer. He heard from the others that she was once the Leader of the Assassination Squad Zero, and the most ruthless one among them – the Grim Reaper of the Fairies.

He knew that she could make anyone disappear without a trace if she wanted to, but she looked like a very satisfied kitten in front of Freyr, and Kai guessed that that was what soulmates were supposed to be like.

“I think if I do that to her, she would definitely dropkick me and shoot me on my crotch. Thanks for the advice though.” 

“Shoot you? Is she a criminal? Yakuza? Cop?” Mikazuki suddenly narrowed her eyes because she had a bad feeling about this. 

It was such a coincidence that her niece was a detective with the Major Crimes, and she got news that she had a boyfriend out of nowhere.

And suddenly this man was rambling about his girlfriend who would shoot him with a gun because he was such an ass. 

What were the odds?

“Uhm, she’s a detective with the Major Crimes division, and her name is Kira Aoyama.” Ryu was suddenly scared from the chill air that Mikazuki exuded, and Freyr held his shoulder.

“I think you’d better go. Now. Go and apologize to your girlfriend for everything. Offer her everything including your life, since Kira Aoyama is Miya’s niece.” Freyr half threw him out to escape before he experienced Mikazuki’s wrath. Which would not be pretty.

Ryu quickly scrambled out of there and Kai waved him goodbye before he faced Freyr and gestured to him to take Mikazuki away from there and soothe her – before she went and killed Ryu.

“I’ll take her now, you should help Ryu to grovel, Kai.” Freyr chuckled as he carried Mikazuki in his arms.

“Let me go you bastard, I’m going to fry his balls for making my niece cry and then I will skin him alive and…” Mikazuki was so angry she punched and kicked Freyr to let her down.

“Baby, you should let the youngsters fix their own problems, you know. Let’s not interfere with them. Why don’t we go upstairs and finish what we did just now, huh?” Freyr winked at Kai and took Mikazuki away before she destroyed something.

Kai only sighed as he watched them leave. The women in their family were very volatile and hot headed – including his sister and his mother and now Mikazuki. 

Anyway, he had to check on Ryu and help him with his love problem before Mikazuki caught on to him, and he knew exactly what to do.

plot twist 🔞 (Femme Fatale #3)Where stories live. Discover now