Chapter 22.5: Case Closed

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Kamiya Shizuha/Shinsuke

"You're mad at me."

Asano pointed out in the middle of Nagisa and Lea having small talk as the train moved, I had my arms crossed with my back leaning against the seating area. I didn't mean to come off as angry, but I was quite defeated by being pulled away from Karma at the very last second "I'm not mad per say, but why did you feel the need to do that just now?" Asano sighed, answering my question disapprovingly "You're going to ask him to Ren's party isn't it?"

Was it that obvious?

"How did you-"

"Look Shinsuke, I could confidently say that you're my closest friend and the thing is, I don't really want him there," Asano's reasoning had never faltered even one bit when it came to his obvious dislike, but it was getting on my nerves when I really want to go with Karma "Can't we compromise on something?" He raised one eyebrow "I can bring Ayaka along so you can be with her and the other guys," his shoulders slumped and he had to pinch the bridge of his nose from my simple suggestion "I don't like her either."

"You'll live," I muttered, as our discussion came to an end, Nagisa who had been within ears reach decided to chime in "Hey Asano, what is it that got you interested in the princess? Like, you seem to not mind her despite arguing a lot."

The answer was obvious to me, but not so to Nagisa. Asano likes challenges, just like how he likes to compete with Karma or how he likes to prove that he's right with me and now it's apparent with his constant need to talk to the princess; he simply liked that she was a challenge to him "She called me boring so I was surprised," Nagisa was puzzled, perplexed by what exactly he meant by that "That's a pretty weird reason to like interacting with someone."

Instead of continuing more of his thoughts, Asano glared at Nagisa, not wanting to hear any criticism of his nature.

"Alright, I won't tell anyone else about this, I promise," Nagisa quickly added to not further irritate the strawberry blond.

Princess Lea let out a laugh as we exited the train after yet another assassin was caught and this time, publicly embarrassed with a note stuck on his back for all to see and make fun of "That was exciting, Shinsuke! Your friends are very clever with their plans!" This was the first time the princess talked to me personally and as Asano was contacting Karma's team, I was shocked to hear her choose me to speak with.

"They have great talents, definitely," she smiled at me before pulling me by the arm to whisper in my ears "For the debate rally, any tips to defeat Gakushuu? He seems ready enough, but surely you have some way to get him to lose?" The princess was observant, she knew I was close to him and she noticed very early on of his flaws below his perfect cover. Whispering back, I did my best to help. "He's the worst at giving valid points when he's upset, if you're able to push his buttons, it'll be hard for him to counter you."

As if she had just discovered a huge secret, the princess gave my hand a squeeze and nod "I'll try my very hardest to anger him," I chuckled at that, never have I ever heard someone so excited to get a reaction out of Asano before; then again, the princess isn't a student of Kunugigaoka so she wouldn't have known just how 'fearsome' he was in the other students' perspective.

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