Chapter 10: Long Live

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Special A/N: Hi!! I can't believe it has been 10 weeks of me working on this fanfic because genuinely, I've never really had this much inspiration for a story for years that I could write a chapter every week about ;; Holidays is also starting so I have a whole month to write without school being in the way so yayy. For the celebration of the 10th chapter, I drew out Karma and Shinsuke anyway, without further ado, here's the chapter :D


Kamiya Shizuha/Shinsuke

Kayano: Help wanted! Actor for tomorrow's finale of The Story of The Knight!

Karma: @Shi-kun.

Shi-kun: What finale? Is this the play for the kids?

Kayano: Yes! Omg, you're a genius Karma! Kamiya, come join us for the finale :D

Shi-kun: ??? I don't know how to act and stop taking every suggestion from Karma seriously.

Karma: Come onnn, you'll be acting with me, and we'll have fun improvising as well :D

Shi-kun: I don't want to improvise.

Kayano: Please! Everyone else has a part already, you can take the role of our class E backup again.

Shi-kun: 'Class E backup'...

Nakamura: Agreed. I have a script suggestion.

Kayano: Ooh, great, I needed some help anyway.

Shi-kun: I know this will end badly.

Karma: :D

Nakamura: :D

Shi-kun: Nakamura, you're not even part of the play.


The nursery wasn't as far as I thought it had been once I arrived, a few kids looked at me to try and decipher who I was as I hadn't been here for the past few weeks. They were working on the project to renovate the place. Kayano and Karma were the first to go up to me, Kayano excitedly running towards me with her hand full of cheap costumes that were probably from the store for a cheap price "Kamiya, I'm so glad you decided to come even with the late notice."

I was actually planning to not go knowing that Nakamura was the one who's co-writing the script and I definitely was not ready to see Karma face to face again after embarrassing myself during the pole-toppling incident. Don't get me wrong, we have been texting, but the very moment that memory passes through my head, I immediately feel like throwing my phone across the room after seeing the pending messages from him.

He doesn't seem as affected as I was and that makes me feel more ashamed at this embarrassment that only I'm feeling.

"I haven't even read the script, are you sure that's alright?" I asked, grabbing the plastic knight outfit that Kayano handed over "Yup, Kayano said the only person who has to memorize any actual lines is her because she's the narrator," Karma chimed in, pulling me by my sleeve to whisper in my ear at the very end "I hope you brought what I told you to bring," I sighed, but patted the bag I was wearing over my shoulders to reassure him that I did what was told.

Turns out the whole class collectively wasn't allowed to study although not all of them were involved in injuring the old man that was running the nursery. I knew long before that Karma had been studying as early as summer, but he had given me the task of bringing my reference and activity books over so we could sneakily get some time for ourselves to prepare for the mid-term exams.

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