Chapter 11: Soul Searching

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Kamiya Shizuha/Shinsuke

It was the awaited day that Karma had planned to take me out to go 'find myself'; according to him. The weekends where I would often find myself lazing around and or studying for the sake of it were canceled due to these circumstances. He planned it to be early in the morning and we would go through his entire plan until evening since I've got nothing going on. I was willing to spend the rest of my day with the man who I—most definitely—do not enjoy being pulled into his schemes with.

Tying my hair up into two pigtails, I was just about done until I heard the door creak open and Ayaka's head popping in "Did Akabane raise up in our family ranks or something?" She suddenly asked, I blinked a few times, clipping my bangs up as I did so "What?" Ayaka opened the door wider, the sound of laughter from downstairs could only receive a confused look on my face to give her.


Practically running down the stairs, my jaw slowly went down at the sight before me. Karma and a disguised Korosensei were chatting with my parents like it was a normal Saturday for them. Ayaka followed close behind, whispering in my ear "And who's that big guy?" She was definitely pointing out the elephant in the room because in no way possible my parents did not find any suspicions about the oddly-shaped man. "Enough questions, I've got to go before this continues on."

"Shinsuke! I didn't know you were doing a study session together with your teacher and classmate."

So that was the lie they went with...

"Oh yeah, we're just going to the library; awfully nice of you to come pick me up as well um... Sir," I stuttered, Karma did not tell me that Korosensei was going to join us as well, this only causes more trouble for me to lie about his identity from now on "Of course, Kamiya! Karma and I were going to pass by your neighborhood anyway so we might as well walk together," Korosensei responded, getting up from the seat, he walked strangely to the front door, Karma grinning at me as he followed "I hope you guys get some good sessions in! Take care of our Shinsuke," mom bid us farewell and as we headed out the door, I slammed it shut behind me.

"What the hell!"

I hissed once we started to walk and Karma chuckled at that "You said it'll be just us two. Why is he here?" I exclaimed, scratching the back of my head and gripping the strap of my messenger bag "Don't ask me, he wanted to join in after his 'instinct' told him to go see me at my house last night," Karma answered, taking this silent street walk as a moment to try and get a stab in Korosensei which he managed to dodge like always "I might've overheard a few things last time and as an educator, I will not miss on an opportunity to help out a student."

Funnily enough, I felt a hint of relief that Korosensei was here to do such a boring task of finding a hobby for me. It was silly enough that I needed a whole get-together to find something to do for myself, but the fact that Korosensei and Karma took it seriously made me feel like I was actually being seen and heard for the first time in a while.

"What's on the agenda anyway?" I moved on from our conversation, looking at Karma who held a book and pen in his hands. "Glad you asked, I have a whole checklist of activities we can try out today," he opened it, showing the two pages filled with potential activities that might catch my interest.

"I mean, most of these were requested by Korosensei, but if it were up to me, I would've chosen something more invigorating," he shut the book and smiled "Examples?" I asked, grabbing the book from him which he let go of the moment he felt my grip on it "Oh well, there's always a choice to join me to duke it out on the streets, be my personal medkit, or prepare some materials for me-"

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