Chapter 8: Carnival Bonds

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Kamiya Shizuha/Shinsuke

It was the awaited day for the carnival that I had been invited to, but before anything could happen, I decided to invite Kurahashi and Yada over to my house for an outfit discussion. The days are starting to get colder and other than Ayaka who knew of my situation when it comes to picking outfits; I've now got two new friends who know that I'm queer. It's refreshing to get more opinions on my clothing choices other than my own voice and my younger sister's.

"Hm, so you're looking for something more feminine?" Yada asks, going through my closet, inspecting every piece of clothing I own and pulling out a few for Kurahashi to try and mix and match together "Yeah, I mean in a man dressing feminine way, not like anything too frilly or bold," Ayaka poked her head into my room with a grin "I got a few options if you want more!" She offered enthusiastically, handing over a few clothes that she had in mind.

The four of us were rummaging between fabrics like it was the most difficult thing to do—or perhaps I was a bit too picky on what I wanted and didn't want—though regardless, we had my room turn from clean to a hurricane-level of a wreck.

No shorts, no knee-high socks, no skirts of any kind; we were running out of options to even count any of the outfits feminine.

My request only made its way here because I simply wanted to try and get comfortable with the idea again.

The idea of dressing like a girl.

Kurahashi eyed my face a little longer than she normally would before tugging the hair tie off my blond hair. My head turned to her in surprise as she smiled "If no clothes are suitable, we can always go for the features, yeah?" Yada and Ayaka both gave a nod to her suggestion before keeping their eyes on my unkempt hair which was a bit rugged from all the tying up I had done to it "You can dress in something comfortable and we'll get your hair ready," Yada continued, passing a few clothes over to me whilst Ayaka crosses over my bed and to my vanity "I'm on hair duty!"

And without me noticing, I was starting to enjoy being pampered up like this again.


"Woah, the majority of the class is here," I muttered to myself once we arrived at the carnival, the orange leaves falling on the ground while chatters from the class E students were heard all around. Korosensei appeared in front of me in his human disguise with a delighted chuckle. "Is this the surprise you were talking about, Isogai?" he asked while the black-haired boy gave a wide smile back "Yup! We did plan this to be a class event and since a few couldn't go, I wanted to invite some extras."

"Counting Shinsuke as an extra sound a bit mean, you know, considering he's in with our mission" Nakamura teased, laughing at Isogai's flustered expression when he took notice of the way he worded it "I didn't mean it like he wasn't invited in the first place!" he sighed, but kept an upright stature again "I know we had a whole camping trip together, but we should really do more hangouts like this, graduation is getting closer."

All eyes went to Korosensei who flailed his fake arms with a hint of playfulness "Glad you're enjoying yourselves before the world ends. Be sure not to rest too much, we still got a few months left until the deadline," Okano does a quick swipe onto Korosensei which he dodged easily "Of course not, besides, we might be tricking you when we say that we're relaxing."

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