Chapter 14: Tension

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Kamiya Shizuha/Shinsuke

I have refused to come to school for the days leading up to Kunugigaoka's infamous festival. It also didn't help that when I was ready to return, I caught a fever from possibly overthinking any situation that could happen. This also led to me missing assassination practices for a whole week. Mr Karasuma wasn't so happy with that, but he let it slide when he knew I was sick for half of it.

My injury has receded a bit, I could only hope Karma looks less beaten than he was that day.

It was a day before the school festival commenced and leading up to it, I was more caught up on class E's plans than my own class's. Everyone was double-checking in the group chat one last time for everyone's parts before a ping of text mentioning my name appeared in a flash.

Karma: @Shi-kun, come join us tomorrow, sneak away from the main campus if you will >:D

Shi-kun: Risky, not a big fan of that idea.

Yada: Ooh! I can get behind that! You should help out, Kamiya! We definitely need more helping hands with our restaurant.

Shi-kun: That would require me to lie that I'm still sick to go and see you guys.

Kurahashi: Please come! Please come!

Shi-kun: I'm not good at cooking either...

Karma: You can entertain customers, I have a few things ready~

Shi-kun:...I'll consider.

And I surely did consider long and hard, but for some reason I gravitate to the mountains, wearing everything, but my school's blazer; no one from the main campus is going to see me here anyway. As I was heading up and the view of the class was in sight, there was already a pleasant scenery laid out in front of me, tables were set and they'd already garnered a number of customers for a place this far and a hassle to go to "You did come!" Yada surprised me, running up to me with a grin "I'm feeling a bit better and it'll be a waste to spend a whole day in my bedroom."

Partially, I was hoping to see how Karma was doing. We had been texting and he would go on and on about what happened in class, but that was about it. It was like both of us were avoiding the topic of the fight with Asano and as much as I felt relieved it was never brought up, it only caused me to think more about what he might be doing.

Ayaka was the only other person who knew about the fight, I ended up lying to my parents that I bumped into someone and fell face-first on the floor. It wasn't that far off anyway.

Yada tilted her head slightly as she inspected my sloppy outfit; loosened tie, half tucked-in shirt, belt hanging from the loops of my pants and my obvious hair covering half of my face "...This is unlike you," she was right about that, I was always put together, but wanting to not stand out in case a main campus student catches me, I've decided against my usual wear.

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