Chapter 2: Akabane's Intro

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Kamiya Shizuha/Shinsuke

"So the next thing we know about Korosensei is that, get this... He's afraid of water!" Akabane's voice seemed to keep dragging on as I stared at the notes Nagisa had given me to revise since I was dead set on keeping my memories and proving that I would not tell anyone from the main campus "The last time we saw him get full on contact with water, he was swollen as if he got stung, it was really fun-" I placed the notes down on my lap while sighing "Akabane, let's stop here, I don't think I got it in me anymore."

Akabane only tilted his head with a confused lilt in his voice "Eh? You know that Mr Karasuma still doesn't really trust you, this is a great way to gain that trust," I only shook my head while giving him an uncertain smile "I'd rather get my memories blown right now, none of this seemed logical to say the least," Akabane only looked away before he jumps down from the tree branch we were sitting on, his hands outstretched to help me out "I mean if that's what you really want, I just thought you would put up more of a fight."

I dropped down, ignoring his hand whilst giving Nagisa's notes back to him "Huh? Why'd you think that?" I was never much of a competitor if we were comparing Asano and I. We used to be neck to neck during exam season, but these days all I do now is study half-heartedly. I could never beat the Asano Gakushuu, not when he's way ahead of me in many things.

Akabane only shrugged, a grin on his face "I don't know, you class A nerds always love a good battle, I was hoping I'd somehow fulfill your needs to compete," we were making our way back to class E's rundown classroom and somehow his words made me rethink my choices of backing out "You think very highly of my class and I," I pointed out as I entered the place, a few students gawking out the class's door to sneak a peek at me "I'm just saying, are you sure you don't want this sweet class E secret? We're practically handing it out for free right now and you're giving up?"

The sound of his voice irked me, it was as if he wanted to see what I could do, it seemed like he wanted to see my capabilities in this assassination that I had purely stumbled into "Are you threatening me?" he only let out a soft laugh "Woah there, 'threat' is a strong accusation, I was more of challenging you."

We stopped in front of the staff room, and my eyes couldn't break the contact we had kept throughout the whole conversation "Peaked your interest?" I scoffed, crossing my arms in front of my chest whilst narrowing my eyes at him "Okay, and what if it did? What exactly is your challenge and what are you trying to get out of it?" his signature grin came into view at my question, clearly he was waiting for that sentence to be said, "I just want to see how well we can take care of you if you were to stay in contact with our class."

My face was a mix of confusion and anticipation. "Meaning?" Akabane pulled out a rubber knife swiftly from his blazer, a mischievous charm to his actions as he pointed the tip to my throat almost in a playful manner "Wouldn't that Asano like to know if your grades shot up a ton? We can make a statement from that, the fact that Kamiya Shinsuke was always with those class E losers, but somehow he's doing far better than them."

It's as if his words reverberated for everyone to hear because somehow I knew Korosensei and the others were listening and this was part of the reason he was trying to get me on their side. The class A insider, that's what I'll be to them.

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