Chapter 4: Summertime

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Kamiya Shizuha/Shinsuke

The rest of summer flew by like the wind, with 3E having a great time on the island and Asano and I whose only activity is going out to buy popsicles where he often talks about what he had heard the students at the main campus are up to, I was only up to date with those stories of his. Little did I know that when Akabane came back he spammed my messaging app with a ton of stories about what had happened during their vacation that went wrong. To that, I was basically informed on both the main campus and class E's shenanigans.

The end of summer was here and with only a day left before school, all I ended up doing was revising a bit in my room. My hair was growing longer so tying it up was my only option as going to a barber to cut it right now would be a hassle.

Mom used to cut the hair of both me and Ayaka, but having never done any male haircuts, she didn't want to mess up my hair from the point of me coming out to her and so on. Ayaka made light of the situation by jokingly saying that she gets to save more money than me when it comes to her necessities.

The day was hot as I listened to a soothing song in my headphones, bopping my head while I answered math questions that I had laid out on my desk. It was always a fun time to answer questions when there was nothing to disturb me nor did I have any plans for the day, studying just seemed like a useful hobby to have especially if I wanted to keep my grades up and stay in 3A. Although, I'd argue that I might need to be a bit more consistent with it whenever exams roll around. In fact, I was so focused that a mysterious yellow octopus sneaked into my room without my acknowledgement.

"What the-" Korosensei only gives his usual smile before showing a sign which reads to be an invitation to go to the summer festival along with class E. He was quietly awaiting my answer, knowing fully well if he were to speak, my family outside my room might hear "S-sure thing," I said, sighing as he sped off somewhere else. I guess it was time to get dressed and ready as I closed the math book and took off my headphones.


"I told you I was coming, I'm more surprised you had friends other than Asano," Ayaka followed me along, wearing a kimono while I refused to. It was hard to just leave the house when the only way was to tell my parents where I was going and of course, Ayaka had to come with, there was no running away from her "I'm being honest right now when I say that please don't tell anyone at school who I'm hanging out with after you meet them, okay?" she had a serious expression on her face, confused and determined "Okay, promise."

The summer festival was as festive as the last one, I rarely ever go because of my lack of reasons to and Asano isn't the type to be brought to a random walk around crowds of people, it's not really his thing when it comes to having fun. Spotting the group of familiar faces, I went up to them "Hey!" I greeted, and a few of them who had also just arrived waved at me "Kamiya! This is the first time we met for realsies!" the guy with orange-brown hair said enthusiastically "Oh and who's this? I've never seen you before?" he went to inspect Ayaka who stood there in shock. I bet the last people she thought of me hanging out with would be the infamous class E.

"Maehara, it's rude to stare. Sorry, Kamiya that's just how he is, nice to meet you in person as well, I'm Isogai," Maehara took a step back with a bewildered look "What do you mean 'that's just how he is'? I can't admire pretty girls now?" Isogai only shook his head and placed his hands on his hips disapprovingly "Seriously? You're scaring Kamiya off with this attitude of yours," the banter was funny enough that I couldn't help but smile "It's all good, this is Ayaka, my sister."

Challenge AcceptedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora