Chapter 12: Convenient Grim Reaper

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Kamiya Shizuha/Shinsuke

"Your English teacher just stormed off and never came back?" Ayaka questioned as she looked over at Karma curiously. It was definitely not part of my plans to walk home with Ayaka and Karma, but it wasn't bad; she was oddly keeping a low profile these days. It was the first time in months leading up to now that I'd never heard her name being uttered in the school halls.

"I'm just guessing she's sulking, but even I don't think Bitch-sensei is that childish. It's been a bit creepy not hearing any word from her," Karma recalled back all of the things that had happened a few days ago, from the failed birthday surprise and the disappearance of their teacher, I was shocked that something like this would even happen "Have anyone tried to call her or message her?" I asked while we turned the corner to my neighborhood "Yada and Kurahashi tried and it was a dead end."

Karma looks as if he was unbothered, but the fact that he thought this was important enough to share was already telling that he cared more than he thought about their English teacher.

The two teachers in class E—not including Korosensei—were almost like strangers to me. I've conversed a few times with Mr Karasuma during Karma and I's afternoon training sessions, but we never really talked about other things besides the assassination; although, Karma mentioned that this was the norm for all of them when it comes to Mr Karasuma's serious and professional figure. However, Ms Irina, despite being talkative and open, rarely chats with me unless Yada happens to be around me.

She always had a bit of reservations towards everyone when I think about it. The farthest thing she shared with them are her many assassinations and kills, but overall, her life story had many holes and puzzles that we haven't fully connected. This does show that she is definitely a professional worth noting. To think that she would up and leave was beyond me.

"Well, that's all that I have to say today, I bet you had the most bland day back on the main campus? How's Asano by the way?" Karma moved on from the topic and stretched his arm out in front of him, holding his bag lazily over his shoulder "You're not wrong, I don't have anything interesting to tell, but for Asano..."

It might come off as unbelievable, but ever since the sports festival, he and I haven't interacted as much that it was starting to freak me out. He had something in his mind and I was a bit too scared to ask him about it, especially after the loss he had experienced during the pole-toppling contest.

I could only hope he isn't overexerting himself or getting into some big trouble.

"That guy has done nothing but conniving in his dark little room, I bet," Ayaka continued my sentence, sighing as she did so "Oh? Why'd you say that?" Karma asked, clearly keen to hear more about his rival "I don't know, he just has that look. That conspiring evil genius look- you know what I mean, right, Shi-kun?" Ayaka nudges me and I nod, but this does confirm my suspicions that he's been up to no good "I haven't really asked about it so we shouldn't assume the worst just because it's Asano."

Ayaka and Karma weren't satisfied with my answer and stayed quiet as we parted ways once my house was in sight. It's been a very uneventful week, and even more so that I have no one to hang out with as much at school.

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