*⁠.⁠✧part - 9*⁠.⁠✧

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"Once the heart gets too heavy people don't cry they just turn silent completely silent......"

Back to story....

Why didn't u call Cops they will arrest them in the charge of Abusing u and forcing u to get married to anyone without your permission"lara told u make u confused what to do "

Cops... Yh i think u are right i should compain to cops about my parents "u said being happy thinking that finally a hope of light is showing.... "

(But that poor souls don't know that someone has over heard their conversation)

That's like my girl.. y/niee "lara said proudly"

Thank you lara.. i totally forgot about it thank you so much "i said being overwhelmed by emotions"

Ahhh gurl don't thanks me.. come to college fast it's getting late.. then we will go their together "Lara told me"

Ok then bye "i dig her bye "

Call Hung up...

Now I'm ready to go.. ok let's go y/niee and when i came downstairs my mom was standing there.. I ignored her maybe she is doing some work so I was about to open the door but suddenly...

Where are u going bi*ch.. "my mom said with a evil smirk on her face"

College mom.."I causally replied"

College or are u going to police station.. "my mom said"

P-police s-st-taion ... No N-no why I will go their "i said nervously"

Oh really!!!... Why ? aren't u will gonna complain about us ? .. "she said with evil smile on her face"

(U turned silents thinking how she know this)

What happened Y/N ? "She said "

U B*TCH HOW DARE TO EVEN THINK ABOUT IT...HUH?? " She said being extremely angry "

(My leg's started Trimbling bcz of fair I don't what she will do now. God please save me please....)

She grabbed my hand and dragged me towards my room and push me on floor and took her hockey stick and started to beat me without having any mercy... I was crying begging for my life..

Aahh m-mo-m please i-i wil-l. It will n-n-ot happen again ahhhh m-mom... "I said while crying"

I HAVE TO TEACH U A LESSON.. U B*TCH "she was beating me without having any mercy on me..

After 1 hour..

She stopped and locked me in my room.. my body was hurting and suddenly everything started to become blur and then suddenly i passed out....

When I wake up with my heavy body i don't have strength to stand but somehow i manage to stand and saw the time it's evening.... Suddenly my room get open revealing my mom and dad with my mom with the hockey stick and my dad with his hunter....

So- "my dad was about to say something but got interrupted by the door bell
Indicating some has came"

Who has came right now ?
Did Mr. Or Mrs.jeon has came or some else?

Let's see in another story

I will update you soon with another part ☺️

Thanks for reading my story.....

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