New York

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Dear Readers,
Please do let me know how are you finding this story until now. Finally Angelina has met her brothers. Slowly secrets will be unveiled. Keep yourself connected with the story.

And thank you for reading!
Loads of love<3


"Sleep. You are safe. Big brother will protect you sorellina." I hear a distant voice.

I m tired. I guess I did fall into their trap. I don't want to wake up and find out what they will do to me.

I feel like I m floating, my body feels very lightweight. I slowly feel myself getting heavier and heavier as I regain my consciousnes. It's like someone is draining all the energy from my body. Everything feels heavy.

Everything pains. I slowly regain consciousness about my body and surroundings. I can't open my eyes yet. I feel too tired. My eye lids suddenly weigh tons.

I think I m lying on some sort of soft surface. I don't know exactly what. I try moving my finger with all the energy I was left with.

Uhmmm the sheets feel so smooth. I like them.
Why m I sleeping? Why does my body pains? What time is it? I have to prepare food for sir and Madam before they come home or I will be punished.

Sudden fear grips me. It's breaks my trance. I open my eyes and try to get up to look at time, only to find myself in a big room.

I would have appreciated it's beauty and elegance if I was not so panicked at the moment.

The sudden actions of me getting of the bed sent a jolt of pain through my body. My back burns like anything and my ribs. Let's just not even talk about them. I look at my hand.

It's bandaged.


Suddenly realization hits me like a bucket of cold water. Laura, scary men, them getting me.

Shit shit shit. I am at their place. Suddenly everything feels to overwhelming. The pain, the changes, the dark thoughts about my future, not knowing where am I.

I just sit on the floor by the side of the bed to calm myself and stop trembling so that I can find a way to escape. This is not the time for me to break down.

Before I could do anything. I heard the door knob twist.

How stupid of me to not check the lock after waking up!

I see the Nathaniel guy entering my room. He looks at the empty bed with panic filled eyes but calms down as soon as his frantic eyes find me sitting on the floor. Soon a relieved look is replaced by the worried one as he saw me trembling.

Why is he worried about me? He must have thought that I escaped or something.

"Hey, tesoro why are you sitting on floor? What happened? Does your hand hurts? Are you hurt somewhere else also?" He bombards my already scared self with questions.

"Why am I h-here?" I gather my left over courage to ask. My throat feels scratchy. I want water. Without any words he reaches the nightstand by the side of the bed and takes the lid off a glass filled with water and starts making his way towards me.

Oh, I didn't see the glass of water there. Wait, why is he coming my way? Is he going to pour water on my head for being so noisy?

I start backing off. I try to crawl backwards as soon as I can. In no time my back hits the room wall harshly and a sharp stinging pain shoots in my back and ribs. I almost forgot about them. I try to control the hiss that already left my mouth. I look up to only find him frozen at his place but the hissing sound made him move at the speed of lightening.

SorellinaWhere stories live. Discover now