One Sided Sibling Rivalry

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QOTD: "I fucking hate you" -IFHY by Tyler, the Creator

At the Tower:

Tony and Bruce had taken Clint to the medbay, and tried to figure out what happened. They were having trouble, so they hooked him up to an IV, and were waiting for him to wake up.

Natasha stepped into the room Clint was in. No one else was around. She sat next to his bed, lost in her thoughts. She was recalling all that had just happened. Trying to remember Alex’s
body language, and what he was apologizing for.

She sighed, her mind coming up blank. She needed more information to find the answers to her questions.

She looked up from her lap to find Clint staring back at her, with the same look on his face. He
was asking the same questions.

“Geez, how long have you been awake?” Natasha asked with worry behind her shocked expression. She sat up farther, pressing the button next to Clint’s bed, so Bruce would be
informed of his awakening.

“Since you walked in. I thought you were Tony, so I was gonna scare you.” He admitted, smirking.

Natasha simply rolled her eyes, laying her feet on his bed and relaxing. “So what was all that? Are you alright?” She asked.

“Yeah, I’m better now, but… I’m not exactly sure what happened.” Clint’s eyes stared forward blankly, recalling what he had remembered.

“Where’s Alex? I need to talk to him, and I have some questions”

“Tony’s working on finding him right now. He ran off again. After you passed out he was apologizing… and we haven’t seen him since.” She explained to him. She had been replaying
the whole situation back, over and over again, trying to make sense of it.

Her mind always went back to the look of pure sorrow and terror on Alex’s face before he left.
She had to admit that she and the team barely knew him, but she was fairly good at reading
people, and that expression didn’t seem like Alex. He looked so scared.

“He’s gone?” Clint asked, snapping Natasha out of her thoughts. He stood up, a look of worry
crossing his face. He needed to speak with the kid, and ask about what he saw, and why he was only remembering it now.

Nat ushered him back into a seated position, “Whoa, chill out. Tony’s doing everything he can.
We’ll find him in no time. We’re not letting him get away again.” She told him sternly, keeping fierce eye contact to make sure he understood her every word.


“Now, tell me what you saw before you were out like a light.”

“How’d you–”

“I'm not stupid, Clint. Plus…Wanda told me.” Nat shrugged.

Clint simply shook his head in dismissal. He began, “The moment Alex said ‘Zobra’ it was like a puzzle piece clicked into place inside my head. I was busting this base a while back, the Zobra
people Alex was talking about. I was up in a tree, shooting people as they ran out of the building, when a younger version of Alex ran out with a girl in his arms…”

”I couldn’t get a shot on him because he was too fast. He was talking to the girl a few trees away, and one of ‘em must’ve spotted me cause next thing I knew, everything was a blur,
passing me at speeds so high I couldn’t even comprehend my surroundings…” He closed his eyes, trying to remember what exactly happened next.

“When I could focus my eyes again, I was in a shed with them. They were fighting. Alex wanted to let me go, and the girl wanted to kill me…Alex was trying to compromise, suggesting different
things, but she wouldn’t have it. She got pissed, and…attacked him.” Clint shuddered, taking a breath before continuing.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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