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Natasha POV:

I don't know how to feel about the whole Alex situation. On one hand I'd love to get to know him; but on the other, if Fury gets wind of a kid having powers, he's 100% going to try to recruit him for the Avengers. Which would be fine, but Alex seems on the young side.

I'll try not to underestimate him, because look how Wanda and Peter turned out. They're one of the strongest on the team.

I do wonder how Alex got his powers. Probably some illegal experimenting. It always is. I was going to ask Bucky while we were talking, but he seemed pretty tired, and I know he needs the sleep, so I decided to give him some space for the time being.

We do need someone more upbeat on the team. I barely caught a glimpse of Alex's personality. I mean, it was less than a half an hour ride on the quinjet. But he seems pretty joking and playful. That also may be because of his age, though.


Bucky and I left the tower a little after 7am, so the others wouldn't catch us leaving together, and so we'd just miss Cap leaving for his morning run.

Bucky said the coffee shop was only a few blocks away, so we walked. Bucky said not to mention Alex's sister unless Alex himself brought it up. He said that it would be best to get to know him better, to gain his trust, before butting in on his personal business.

As we finished talking, we walked up to the shop, and Bucky opened the door for me, causing the bell above the door to ring. I walked in and immediately noticed the delicious smell the place had. I look to my left and notice what Alex was talking about when he mentioned the items the owner had of the avengers.

There was a whole shelf of Iron-Man, Captain America, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Thor, and the Hulk. The media didn't know about the rest of the Avengers yet, except for Spider-Man. They thought he was still a vigilante.

It was pretty empty, except for a boy, who looked to be in middle school, on his phone at a table next to the front counter. Next to the boy was Alex, who I just recognized. He hadn't spotted us

A lady came walking out of the kitchen through two swinging doors. She had a sheet full of fresh chocolate chip cookies on it. She set them in the display case and walked toward us with a friendly smile on her face.

"Good morning! It's nice to see that you came back sir. And with a lady," She said
enthusiastically, giving Bucky a wink.

She didn't seem to recognize me, even though she basically has a shrine of my friends and I right next to her.

Bucky smiled politely at her, "We're just friends getting coffee." He laughed her comment off.

"Whatever you say... What can I get you two?" She asked, pulling out a notepad to write our orders down.

"I'll take a black coffee..." Bucky said, turning his attention to me so I could order.

"I'll get the same, and two cookies please." I returned the smile she was giving me.

"Coming right up! You can sit wherever. I'll have Zachary get your coffee. And here... are your cookies ma'am." She said while bending down into the display case and putting two cookies into a paper bag.

She handed them to me as we thanked her. Then we sat down in a booth by the window.

I grabbed the cookies out of the bag and handed one to Bucky. He gladly accepted it and we started eating. They were delicious, and still warm from the oven. Just as we were finishing them, Alex approached our table with a coffee pot.

Upon seeing who we were, he snagged a chair from a different table and sat between Bucky and I.

Third Person POV:

Not Fast Enough ~ Avengers Where stories live. Discover now